Overpriced housing, justice to be repaired, overdue caregivers: vote to choose the next investigation file

It’s up to you to choose the theme for the next dossier of the month! Take part in the vote to decide between the following 3 subjects: “How to take care of our caregivers?”, “What treatment to treat sick justice?” or “How to find accommodation without breaking the bank?”

Here are the synopses of these three subjects.

How to find accommodation without breaking the bank?

Too expensive, too small, too rare, seasonal, in poor condition: housing is a real hassle in the Alpes-Maritimes and the Var. A paradox in view of the many second homes with shutters closed for three quarters of the year. Difficult to find an affordable apartment when some cities have a stock of vacant housing.

In France, more than 1.1 million properties have been unoccupied for more than 2 years, in Nice, they represent 10% of the private stock. Students, seniors, young workers, families are affected by this housing crisis. To the point of forcing some into exile and others to stay with their parents.

What paths exist to access a roof? Who are those who are moving to get out of the crisis? What are their ideas for finding good deals on the market?
So many questions that we will address in “How to find accommodation without breaking the bank?”, Season 2.

What treatment to cure a sick justice?

In a question posed to the Senate last March, Senator Brigitte Lherbier drew up a worrying assessment: “France thus has 3 prosecutors per 100,000 inhabitants compared to 12 on average at European level and 11 judges compared to 21 on average. Only 50 magistrate posts should however be created this year”.

Cases piling up, ever longer processing times, loss of confidence among citizens, to the point, moreover, that some of them do not hesitate to take the law into their own hands, the difficulties are piling up.

How can justice be allowed to do its job properly? And for litigants to regain faith in this institution? While the Keeper of the Seals has just announced a reform in favor of the disgorgement of justice, what realities and room for maneuver on the ground in the courts of the Riviera and Var? We have a month to investigate.

How do we take care of our caregivers?

On the eve of the end of year celebrations, Nice morning reported on the critical situation in the emergency room of the Nice University Hospital. “Explosive”, “catastrophic”, “critical”, “unpublished”, the qualifiers used by caregivers to describe the situation are far from positive. And the hospitals of the Riviera capital far from being an exception to the malaise. Everywhere, it cracks… and for a long time.

In January, mass sick leave hit caregivers. According to the National Union of Nursing Professionals (SNPI), the number of vacant nursing positions was 10,000 in 2019. Against 60,000 in 2022. Tired, torn between the need to provide assistance and the lack of means, the professionals say they are worn out by difficult working conditions and throw in the towel.

How to help caregivers get better? Can we improve their working conditions? What role can citizens play in relieving professionals? So many angles that we will explore in this dossier for a month.

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