PASP University of Patras – Petropoulos: “Our faction will go to the student elections more united than ever!” – 2024-04-13 03:30:50

Peloponnese Newsroom

In a statement, the secretary of PASP University of Patras, Yiannis Petropoulos, states the following:

In the last period of time, the talk regarding the breakup of PASP AEI Patras has come to the fore once more. But we have to clarify some things! PASP AEI Patras was, is and will be one!

As the Secretary of this faction I want to make it clear to everyone that there was never a question of splitting our organization no matter how much some sought it. Publications that state that there are two PASP in Patra are in no way true.

Anyone who insults our organization or tries to break it up has no place in PASP University of Patras. So I invite those who have a contrary opinion to think once more before posting anything.

On May 22, our faction will prove to everyone that it is not only not divided, but has grown and will go to the student elections more united than ever!

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