Patras – Gis Mediam the People’s Theater! – 2024-04-14 14:46:36

In the discredited historical People’s Theater of the Municipality of Patreon on Germanou Street, the lens of “P” entered, recording images of absolute destruction, decay and looting: The square completely stripped of its benches – seats and their concrete bases, the backstage vandalized, the toilets smothered in stench, stench and excrement, the electrical and plumbing rickety, while all the utility spaces are disintegrated and girdled with wadding!

The People’s Theater of Germanos “flattened”, without seats and with its stage dismantled!

In the once bustling summer theaterhas been inserted the last 8 years theatrical “lockout” from the municipal authority of Mr. Peletidis. Where has turned it into a cinema for the summer cinema screenings, organized by the KNE organizations, for unemployed and young couples. Where documentaries are shown, such as the one last year titled “Whatever Grammos fell, we will win”, on the occasion of the opening of the 32nd Anti-Imperialist Camp of the KNE in Nestorio on July 13-16. But also films, with which, according to the organizers, “we will take a look at the everyday life of the rotten capitalist system, with its phenomena that “embrace” every aspect of human life”.

A former theater, which is also granted every summer to the KNE, to host speeches by party officials of the KKE!

Patras - Gis Mediam the People's Theater!  - New revelation of

All smashed and drowned in cotton wool…

Despite the fact that Patras faces a great deficit of cultural spacesthe municipal authority keeps the historic People’s Theater closed, dilapidated and discredited… Which could be turned into a summer municipal cinema, a Municipal Shadow Theatre, a concert venue and of course a summer theater stage for the local clubs.

Patras - Gis Mediam the People's Theater!  - New revelation of

The toilets are dilapidated, a source of infection

However, as today’s publication of “P” shows, the place has turned into a small havuza and a focus of contamination of the upper city.

The Folk Theater of Germanos had been manufactured by late mayor Theodoros Anninos and in 2013, during the term of Yiannis Dimaras, it was completely renovated by the technical services of the Municipality.

Today is vandalized and damagedinstead of being attributed by the Municipality of Patra to the youth and the people of Patra…

Patras - Gis Mediam the People's Theater!  - New revelation of

The dressing rooms were destroyed

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