Pedro Castillo | AMLO says that in Peru there must be elections in the short or medium term to end the crisis and “restore the democratic order” | Mexico | Dina Boluarte | Protests in Peru | WORLD

The president of Mexico, said this Monday that the way out of the political crisis that Peru is going through after the removal of President Pedro Castillo is a call for general elections in the short or medium term.

“Now what is being requested (in Peru) is that elections be called. I respectfully believe that it is the best thing to do to stop the confrontation. That it be the people who freely decide both the situation of Congress and the Presidency, that elections be called soon. I am sure that if it is called in the short or medium term, things will calm down, because there will be a way out. y people will be able to choose and restore the democratic order“, said AMLO in his program every morning.

MIRA: AMLO: visit of the US ambassador to Peru to Dina Boluarte is an “act of arrogance”

“This is how the democratic order, legality, is restored. I don’t see any other possibility. But if they are clinging to the fact that Congress and the president are going to be maintained, and that they are going to achieve everything with the use of force, with repression, then there will be a lot of suffering in the town and a lot of instability.”, followed.

“They want to rule by force with bayonets, but with bayonets anything is possible except sitting on them,” he said.

Pedro Castillo He was arrested on December 7 after being dismissed by Congress shortly after he announced the closure of Congress, the formation of an emergency Executive, which was going to govern by decree and reorganize the justice system, which was described as a Coup attempt.

Political asylum

Regarding the supposed political asylum that Mexico would have granted to Lilia Paredes, wife of Pedro Castillo, and their children, AMLO said that there is still nothing concrete and that on Tuesday the Foreign Ministry of his country will report on the matter.

According to a statement issued on Sunday by the president of Peru In BoluarteMexico has already granted political asylum to the Castillo family.

“It will depend on the will of President Castillo. A request has been made, a process is carried out and he has to be asked if he agrees, if he wishes. We have the doors open for the president of the Peruhis family and all those who feel persecuted, harassed in Peru,” AMLO said.

He added that the situation in the Peru Much has changed since the day Pedro Castillo made the request for asylum, due to the protests that have taken place in various parts of the country and the state of emergency decreed by the Government.

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