Prevent andropause with a healthy lifestyle – Health

According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by the team of Pr Frederick Wu, from the University of Manchester, in the United Kingdom, only 2% of men actually have an andropause. According to Professor Wu, andropause is defined by the conjunction of three sexual symptoms (reduced frequency of morning erections and sexual thoughts, and sexual dysfunction) and a testosterone level below 3.2 ng/ml.

Erectile dysfunction is not related to the decrease in testosterone levels, but is essentially of vascular origin, specifies Professor Jacques Young. Moreover, the rate of this hormone naturally decreases with age, from the thirties onwards. Supplementation with testosterone is therefore not sufficient to treat the symptoms of andropause.

A balanced diet

However, it is possible to prevent them, first of all by watching your diet, ensuring the balance between proteins, lipids and carbohydrates, but also by maintaining sufficient intakes of fibre, zinc, calcium, omega-3 and vitamin D. On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid foods that are too sweet, salty and fatty, as well as alcohol and caffeine.

It is also necessary to limit stress, practice physical activity and sleep properly.

In general, having a healthy lifestyle not only prevents many pathologies, but also andropause!


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