Prevent cervical cancer! Dietitian personally taught 4 ways to prevent cancer. These foods must not be eaten. 2 habits are good for the body | Health 2.0

Cervical cancer is a common cancer in women. Dietitian Liao Yushan said that women of all ages may develop cervical cancer, but women between the ages of 25 and 45 are the most common. We call on women to pay more attention to their physical conditions and to do gynecological examinations and smears regularly. , In addition, you can also stay away from cervical cancer through dietary choices, maintaining an ideal weight, and good sleep.

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Liao Yushan pointed out that when female cervical cells may be stimulated or infected for a long time, a series of inflammatory reactions may occur. At this time, normal and healthy cervical cells will become abnormally proliferated, and may turn into early cervical cancer cells. In addition, it has also been found that the cause of cervical cancer may be transformed into cervical cancer cells through sexual intercourse and infection with human papillomavirus.

Cervical cancer often has no symptoms

Cervical cancer is chronic and progressive, sometimes 10 to 20 years after HPV infection; therefore, anyone with sexual experience or menopause should still have regular smears. Liao Yushan explained that cervical cancer is often asymptomatic, and symptoms usually appear when it becomes aggressive cervical cancer. The most common symptoms are bleeding after sexual intercourse, abnormal vaginal bleeding, and foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Cervical cancer prevention requires regular Pap smears and human papillomavirus tests

To prevent cervical cancer, it is necessary to conduct regular Pap smear and human papilloma virus examinations to assess the risk of cervical lesions. Liao Yushan added that according to the data of the National Health Administration, the risk of cervical invasive cancer among those who have never done smear screening is 3.7 times that of those who have undergone smear screening within 3 years. The public should pay more attention.

Stay away from cervical cancer “3 eat, 3 do not eat food”, maintain ideal body weight, good sleep quality

In addition, good food choices can also prevent cervical cancer, avoid high-glycemic load, high-fat diet, and limit red meat intake, especially high-fat meat and its processed products. Also do not eat high-salt, salted food. And choose more whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, etc. Choose vegetables and fruits with a lot of rich colors in the diet. Liao Yushan added that female friends recommend eating 7 servings of vegetables and fruits every day.

In addition, fermented foods such as natto, sugar-free Greek yogurt and probiotics can also be added to increase the probiotics in the digestive tract. Liao Yushan said that maintaining ideal body weight and good sleep quality are also the key! Studies have found that increasing physical activity and avoiding excess weight are indeed beneficial for cervical cancer, because body fat increases insulin and hormones in the blood, which induces the growth of cancer cells, and the hormones released by fat cells can also stimulate the development of certain cancers!

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Liao Yushan said that good sleep habits are also very important. Sleep is a very important process of body repair and is closely related to body protection. It is recommended that female friends do a good job of stress control to reduce body inflammation.

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◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Source/Liao Yushan Nutritionist

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