Pro-Palestine Demonstrations in Brussels: A Galaxy of Left-Wing Associations Unite

2023-10-20 14:25:00
A galaxy of left-wing associations are calling for demonstrations on Sunday around the Schuman roundregarding in Brussels. ©DR

Some rallies took place in support of Israel and in tribute to the victims of Hamas. But they were not as numerous and they did not bring together as many people as the demonstrations in support of Palestine. New pro-Palestine demonstrations are also planned in Liège (Saturday), Ghent (Saturday) and Brussels (Sunday). Every Thursday, a rally is planned in Molenbeek.

One of the elements which explains this difference in mobilization is the involvement of left-wing movements in favor of Palestine. The PTB is particularly active in giving strong resonance to this question. He does it at the political level through its managersbut also via its youth movements, Comac and Redfox, its solidarity network Intal Globalize, its medical network Medicine for the People and its NGO Viva Salud.

These satellite organizations of the PTB communicate a pro-Palestine line, organize debates on the conflict in universities and call for joining demonstrations for “a ceasefire in the Middle East”. “He who sows war, receives resistance. Palestine will live without occupation, without apartheid, without kolonisatie”, we read from an activist.

The Young Socialists, the PS’s youth organization, are also active on the issue. The Saint-Louis circle, for example, interrupted an amphitheater session on Thursday to plead the Palestinian cause in front of several hundred students without ever once mentioning the victims of Hamas.

EcoloJ, some of whose members took up the slogan for the eradication of Israel “From the river to the sea” without understanding its meaning, also imports the conflict into Belgium by calling on its members to participate in pro-Palestine demonstrations.

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Finally, it should be noted that the Belgian-Palestinian association ABP organizes a monthly gathering in front of the Israeli embassy. On November 10, it will be his 435th rally in front of the Israeli embassy. “The State of Israel has occupied and colonized the Palestinian territory conquered by force for 56 years and seriously discriminates once morest Palestinians, even those who have Israeli citizenship,” writes the association, which calls on Israel to respect the resolutions of the United Nations.

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