Protecting Seniors from Online Scams: The Story of François Vissers and How to Stay Safe

2023-08-30 08:15:12

Remember… Last March, we told you regarding François Vissers, this 89-year-old resident of Turnhout, who thought he was online with his bank ING. When his interlocutor had described the steps to follow, the octogenarian obeyed. Without knowing it, the latter therefore had access to his bank account.

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The scammer took the opportunity to withdraw 8,000 euros, or all of François’ savings. “My hard-earned money. It all happened all at once. Despite my age of 89, I still go to work every day as a courier for a transport company because I only have a small pension. I can’t go to a shelter because I won’t be able to make ends meet financially. But then I lose all my fucking money this way…”, lamented the victim in the columns of HLN.

Read also François, 89, loses all his hard-earned money: “I keep working because I can’t make ends meet and then I lose all my fucking money… »

His family had at the time launched a fundraiser to help François financially.


Today, the octogenarian hopes to recover his stolen money. The reason ? Our Flemish colleagues indicate that the police were able to identify the Dutch crooks aged 18, 19 and 20. The trio risk up to 37 months in prison for credit card fraud, also on other pensioners from Turnhout.

In court, François simply announced that he wanted to recover his money, a total of 12,821 euros, between the 8,000 stolen and purchases made with his bank details. The verdict is expected to fall on Wednesday. The pensioner will thus know the condemnation of the crooks, as well as the compensation he will receive.

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