Rejection of Mining and Land projects

2023-11-19 15:10:00

Multisectoral against repression in Bariloche
San Carlos de Bariloche

From the Multisectoral Against Repression in Bariloche we want to publicly express our deep concern and rejection of the projects presented in the provincial legislature by the ruling Together We Are Río Negro Bloc on:

– The reform of LAW 279 (s/Terras Fiscales).

-The modification of the procedural code in mining exploitation.

We are concerned that these projects are presented to be approved “quickly” in the last legislative session of the year, 48 hours before a national election and a few days before the change of provincial government.

We also warn about the intentional ignorance on the part of the ruling party legislators of the required deadlines that would guarantee the participation and consultation of the communities that live in community territories and that will be affected in their rights by the modifications that are intended to be imposed.

In this situation, the demand of the Provincial Attorney, Jorge Crespo, to revoke the protection presented by the communities to stop mining exploration by private companies is not strange, arguing that there is no territorial location of the people who claimed for what they do not have. It can be corroborated if it coincides with the sites where minerals are sought. We remember that this situation occurs due to non-compliance with law 26160 on the survey of community lands: Another debt of the State to the communities.

It is necessary not to forget that:

– In December 2011, without any type of consultation, the provincial Legislature approved in the first round and by majority the repeal of the Anticyanide Law that prohibited the exploitation of open-pit minerals.

– On August 25, 2022, the scene repeats itself: Behind closed doors, the R.N Legislature approved in the first instance the modification of Law No. 3308, the result of the popular struggle and in force since 1999 to protect the San Matías Gulf of hydrocarbon contamination, prohibiting oil and gas prospecting, exploration and exploitation.

We reaffirm No to Megamining! Enough of Looting. We are part of the Earth. Not their owners.

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#Rejection #Mining #Land #projects

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