Resend-British Foreign Minister Thomson to strengthen support for Ukraine | Reuters

On April 26, British Foreign Minister Truss (pictured) calls for increased support for Ukraine, which Russia has invaded, in a speech scheduled for 27th. Taken on the 25th in London (2022 / Hannah McKay)

(Correct the notation and resend)

[London, 26th]–In a speech scheduled for 27th, British Foreign Minister Truss calls for increased support for Ukraine, which Russia has invaded. It became clear in the preparatory manuscript.

“If Putin succeeds, the whole of Europe will be in an immense and dire situation, with terrifying consequences around the world. We will never feel safe again, so we will head to Ukraine for a long-term war. We need to strengthen our support. “

Countries argue that defense spending should be increased and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) should have a more global outlook and reduce its economic reliance on invading countries.

“Frankly, the systems built to guarantee peace and prosperity did not work well for Ukraine,” he said. “We have combined strong security and economic stability to build a stronger global alliance. We need a new approach that allows free nations to assert themselves and be confident. “

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