safe and effective or Pfizer bis?

TRIBUNE: After the safety study of the Pfizer injection data at six months, which have never been revealed to the public, we now propose the same exercise in dissecting the Moderna data, published in November 2021, and of which no one did not speak.

See also: Pfizer clinical trials: “the government did not respect the precautionary principle”

When you look at the conclusion on the front page, which is basically the only thing that set professionals read (or don’t) they simply write that there is ” no security issues ».

As you will see the data is as dire as Pfizer’s.

To extract the important data from this monitoring of the clinical trial, you have to look for them in the ” appendix ”, which non-scientists, incompetent doctors on the platforms or even health agencies, seem to be unaware of.

the main text is just a false veneer.

The follow-up of a clinical trial must normally be done without the participants knowing whether they received the treatment or the placebo. But Moderna, like Pfizer, which does not want to keep a placebo group to cover the side effects of its injections, offered unvaccinated people to receive the vaccine in early 2021, citing ethical reasons. Result: 99% of the placebo group is therefore vaccinated at the start of 2021, during the follow-up phase.

Therefore, safety monitoring was only performed on ~1% of all initially vaccinated individuals, making this side effect monitoring exercise de facto completely biased, because it does not include enough people to detect rare effects (155 from the vaccinated group and 165 from the placebo group).

Let’s start with the overview of the study itself: summary of page 22, figure S2:

There is again no impact on mortality, as we see as many deaths in the vaccinated group (18) as in the placebo group (18).

After vaccination of the placebo group, one more death was deplored, bringing the number of deaths in the vaccinated group to 19. There is therefore a greater risk of dying in the vaccinated group than in the unvaccinated group.. The clinical trial has never demonstrated that these injections protect against serious forms or death.

In summary :

What about side effects?

Table S21 page 61: Serious adverse effects (hospitalization and vital prognosis)

This table shows that there are 2.7 times more serious and severe adverse effects in the vaccinated group (95) compared to the placebo group (35).

Table S24 page 65: Bell’s palsy → 2.7 times more in the vaccinated group than in the placebo group!

Table S26 page 67: Number of deaths in the double-blind phase → lies!

They start by lying about the number of deaths in the double-blind phase, which are not 16 and 16, but 18 (= 15 + 3) and 18 (= 16 + 2), as they report it themselves on page 22, Figure S2:

As with the Pfizer vaccine, 15,184 people need to be injected to save one life, with all the associated side effects and the endangerment of people not at risk from this virus!

Statistically, this vaccine therefore does not prevent death from Covid-19, but it is this data that they use to tell us that the vaccine prevents serious forms, hospitalizations and death. It is unacceptable that our lives are endangered by such fraud!

As with Pfizer injections, heart problems represent a significant part of the causes of death: five in the placebo group compared to eight in the vaccinated group, i.e. 1.6 times more likely to die of heart problems after injection.

Then, we must add all the problems of myocarditis in vaccinated with mRNA products, which do not appear in this follow-up and which we now know to be a health disaster (and the worst is yet to come). Myocarditis, even subclinical, leads to more than 50% mortality within five years.

Read also: Myocarditis in young people and adolescents

On January 25, 2022, the prestigious magazine JAMA published an alarming study, passed over in silence of course, about the explosion of myocarditis in the United States reported within seven days after Moderna and Pfizer injection. The prevalence reached up to 130 times the expected rate in the youngest.

The graphics were found thanks to the Twitter account @NiusMarco.

Another lie in this S26 table is the number of heart attacks.

Just as demonstrated for the Pfizer clinical trial in the United States, it is simply impossible to have only one case of heart attack in the group vaccinated for 15,184 injections. the US CDC reports each year an average of 659,000 deaths from cardiac arrest out of a population of 328,000,000.

So, reduced to 15,184 participants in this clinical trial, over a period of six months (the duration of the total follow-up), we should have had 659,000/328,000,000*15,184*0.5 = 15.25 heart attacks in each group (around 15)… but it is not so.

By what miracle does Moderna manage to find only one case in the vaccinated group and no case in the placebo group in its clinical trial? No chance of it happening by chance.

Just like the Pfizer data, someone must have played with the data to come up with these ridiculously low numbers. Why hasn’t anyone done this basic calculation by studying the clinical trial data, even asking the question? These data have necessarily been falsified to minimize the prevalence of heart problems. What has also been hidden, modified?

All this of course raises the question of the sincerity of Moderna in this whole affair and the veracity of the data of this clinical trial.

Summary of this clinical trial charade, riddled with lies and data manipulation:

There is no doubt today that the side effects of the Pfizer clinical trial were minimized, and yet while having a vaccine three times higher in dosage than that of Pfizer (100 mcg against 30 mcg), Moderna reports much less of side effects. We know in real life that Moderna injections cause far more side effects and myocarditis than Pfizer injections, yet their follow-up data seems more favorable than those published by Pfizer!

Below is the Moderna/Pfizer comparative data:

We will soon have the beginning of an answer, thanks to a US judge’s order requiring the FDA to make public the pharmacovigilance data used to approve the Comirnaty vaccine in the United States, in August 2021.

Read also: US court orders FDA to declassify Pfizer vaccine data

After several maneuvers by the FDA and Pfizer, with the aim of preventing the publication of this data for 75 years (!), they must now start making them public from March 1, 2022:

  • 10,000 pages on March 1 and April 1, 2022,
  • 80,000 pages in May, June and July 2022
  • 70,000 pages in August 2022
  • 55,000 pages in the following months until delivering 459,000 pages of data.

Until then, they have hidden and denied the serious side effects and deaths linked to these injections, putting all their energy into preventing access to security data and contracts signed with states such as France. The publication of these American data will put an end to these lies and manipulations.

Pfizer has already warned its shareholders that the publication of this data will have a negative impact on the share price, which has since fallen, because the wolves of wall street jump ship.

It’s even worse on the Moderna side, with a continuously falling share price:

In conclusion : as the Minister Olivier Véran says, Moderna and Pfizer, it is effectively the same thing: ” the same soup! »

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