“SAPOD: Discover the Wonders of Space with Sorae’s Featured Images”

2023-05-04 11:15:06

[SAPOD]Introducing today’s space imagery. We picked up articles with characteristic images that sorae introduced in the past. Please take a look at fascinating space topics. There is a link to the original article at the end of the article.

(reference element: sorae)


  • Image Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA, D. Jones, A. Riess et al.; Acknowledgment: R. Colombari
  • sorae – NGC 105, a gently swirling galaxy in the constellation Pisces, photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope

This image is the spiral galaxy “NGC 105” introduced by sorae in the January 4, 2020 article.

NGC 105 lies about 215 million light-years away in the direction of Pisces. Another galaxy called ‘LEDA 212515’ can be seen in the immediate upper left, and the two galaxies appear to be close enough to collide. However, since LEDA 212515 is located even further than NGC 105,interacting galaxyThe distortion of the shape like is not seen.


Also, the bright star located in the upper right of NGC 105 is relatively close.stars in the Milky Way galaxySo, NGC 105 is more than 200 million light years away.

around NGC 105far away galaxyCountless are also reflected, and you can feel the expanse of the universe and the length of history.



【NGC(New General Catalogue)】
Denotes celestial bodies in the New General Catalog. The New General Catalog is a catalog that shows the positions and aspects of celestial bodies on the celestial sphere, such as “Star Clusters, Nebulae, and Galaxies” published by astronomer Dreyer in 1888, which are different in appearance from single stars. (Reference: Astronomy Dictionary)
【Interacting galaxies】
Galaxies that are approaching and exerting gravitational influence on each other are called “interacting galaxies.” Among them, there are some that look like a long tail or look like a human smile.

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