School 144 in Aguada San Roque reopens tomorrow

2023-07-30 22:16:15

Two years after the explosion at school 144 in Aguada San Roque, in which the workers lost their lives Nicolás Francés and Mariano Spinedi and the teacher Mónica Jara, tomorrow the doors will reopen and classes will resume. The Minister of Education of Neuquén, Osvaldo Llancafilo, and the president of the Provincial Council of Education, Ruth Flutsch, will participate in the reopening.

June 29, 2021while an extension was being carried out at the shelter school in the area located 60 kilometers from Añelo, there was an explosion and fire in a heater, the product of a gas leak.

The teacher Mónica Jara was the first to notice a defect in the heater and notify the workers who were in the school. The gasita, Nicolás Francés and the assistant Mariano Spinedi, lost their lives instantly. The teacher suffered burns on 80% of her body and she had complicated airways. She was rushed to the Castro Rendón hospital, where she died. At the time of the explosion there were no children inside the institution.

Due to the tragedy, an investigation was initiated that ended in a case and in September it will be in a position to hold the hearing for the opening of the trial. There are 9 defendants, including officials and businessmen. Meanwhile, the request for justice from the family of the teacher and the workers and the ATEN union continues.

#School #Aguada #San #Roque #reopens #tomorrow

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