Sexual Abuse: Managing the Trauma

When the whole world persecutes us…

This sentence that many of you must have heard one day has never been so true. More and more women, young and old alike, decide to muster up their courage in order to file a complaint against their abuser. How can they be traumatized? According to studies, women are more and more inclined to bring complaints against a sexual abuse, or even several. This trauma, often suppressed by their spouse or by trauma, is a real thorn. And, for that, you should not hesitate to consult health professionals, not to cure the disease directly, but above all, to listen.

Filing a sexual abuse complaint: the first step

Admittedly, disclosing this information is not something easy. This requires for many women and men, yes, no one is spared, a sacrifice, an exposure. On the other hand, the various confessions to the police will allow you to initiate a first step, to denounce your persecution and your trauma of sexual abuse.

Ladies and gentlemen, when you file a complaint, the agent of the order will have to take your complaint. Although it is not easy, we will advise you to answer all the questions that the public service agent will ask you to carry out the complaint and the arrest of the person in question.

Thereafter, a psychological unit will be dedicated to you, with consultations with social services for your relocation and with a psychologist to listen to you. All these different steps will be more or less cumbersome, but will allow you to more easily manage your trauma due to sexual abuse.

Get listened to by the right people

The right people aren’t always the ones you think they are. Moreover, several social experiments show that complex or indecent situations such as sexual abuse are not always registered by the brain. The person looks away or does not fully listen.

This is why health professionals, such as psychologists for example, sophrologists can fulfill this function. When a person suffers from such trauma, sexual abuse, the latter mainly needs to be listened to in order to answer their questions later.

But, is a person who has suffered sexual abuse weak? Is it mentally or physically? Neither of the two !

Many websites specially designed for people who have had this kind of trauma do demonstrate that people are actually much stronger than they seem, because they decided one day to get up. Do not hesitate to also consult these different websites, and why not, direct you afterwards to a support group of women and men who have also experienced this kind of trauma.

Sexual abuse is not easy to cure, but with time, listening and patience, the evils will turn into a strength.

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