Shen Yun Comes to the UK Expected to be Sold Out in January | London | Shen Yun New York Troupe

[New Tang Dynasty News, Beijing time, January 03, 2023]On January 2, the United StatesShen YunNew York Art Troupe ArrivesLondonwill be in January atU.K.11 performances in four cities. Organizers expect the show to be sold out. Live fans: “Shen YunShen Yun! I love you! “

Shen YunThe artist was warmly welcomed by fans at the airport, and everyone was looking forward to Shen Yun’s performance of traditional Chinese culture.

Shen YunDancer Michelle Lian: “(Shen Yun shows) Chinese culture that has been passed down for five thousand years, not the culture created by the Chinese Communist Party. This is particularly meaningful to me, because as a Chinese, I think it is important to take this tradition Passing on is very important.”

Shen Yun dancer Yuting Huang: “What they (Western audiences) see is dance, even if there is no language barrier, they can actually understand the content of the story and the meaning behind the story.”

Shen Yun harp performer Hirley Guo: “The Shen Yun Orchestra is special because she combines Eastern and Western traditional music in a perfect way, so the audience hears unique music.”

The artists said that the common belief in Falun Dafa’s “Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance” made their performances flawless.

Shen Yun dancer David Xiao: “When dancing with everyone, it is not for self or to show ourselves, but as a whole, how we convey information to the audience.”

Shen Yun harpist Shirley Guo: “We all come here for one purpose, which is to bring beauty to mankind, bring more faith, and touch people’s hearts.”

Shen Yun New York Troupe:“U.K.we are coming! “

Shen Yun New York TroupeThe show will start in Woking on January 4th, and then will go to Birmingham, the second largest city in the UK, Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, and Oxford, where the world’s top universities are located, for a total of 11 performances.

(For more information, please clickShen Yun official website booking information

New Tang Dynasty TV reporter Liang Dong UKLondonreport

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