Shocking the food industry! Research has shown that vitamin D has no health benefits.

Delete the original data! When a team of US researchers found Taking a “vitamin D” supplement has no benefit in reducing the risk of fractures of any kind. both in the general population, the elderly, or even those who are deficient in vitamin D

shockvitaminandfood supplement! When one study was published in a medical journal,The New England Journal of Medicine” on July 28, 65 past the results of the research indicated that Consumption of dietary supplementsVitamin D” Tablets, whether they contain calcium or do not contain calcium. All of them do not contribute to the prevention of brittle bones, osteoporosis, does not affect the reduction of fracture rates of any bone. to the elderly or even those who are found to be deficient in vitamin D in the body

In addition, the researchers concluded the results and commented that They do not endorse a long list of vitamin D supplements that claim to have many benefits for consumers, such as reducing fractures in older adults. Reduce the risk of cancer – cardiovascular disease. or help to live longer, etc.

Dr. Steven R. Cummings, a scientist at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute and Dr. Clifford Rosen, a senior scientist at the MaineHealth Institute for Research and editor of The New England Journal of Medicine, summarize and advise:

“Different food supplement sales representatives Vitamin D levels in the bloodstream should be stopped. (25-hydroxy-vitamin D) and stop recommending people to take vitamin D supplements. People, too, should stop taking vitamin D in the belief that it will either prevent serious diseases or prolong life.”

This research is part of a comprehensive study of the effects of vitamins on health. VITAL (VITamin D and OmegA-3 TriaL) It is the first large-scale randomized research study in the United States. which received research funding fromUS National Institutes of Health Participants were 25,871 men aged 50 years and over and women aged 55 years and over, divided into trials receiving an international standard dose of vitamin D, 2,000 units per day, and placebo-treated trials.

The start of this research came after a joint meeting of medical experts, pharmacists and scientists. who is a member in National Academy of Medicine which is a non-profit organization They have the same doubts as to whether the consumption of “vitamin D” supplements really results in better health for consumers?

Although in the past there was information such as eating “Vitamin D In large quantities, it tends to prevent brittle bones. But there was hardly any corroborating medical evidence for this, so they started this study. The trial was funded by the US National Institutes of Health for the VITAL trial to provide definitive answers to the benefits of vitamins for public health.

Then the unbelievable happened. When the results of the research found that “Vitamin D” had no effect in preventing cancer or coronary heart disease among the participants. and does not prevent brittle bones It is also ineffective in preventing falls in the elderly, does not reduce the risk of heart disease, does not reduce the frequency of migraines, does not relieve stroke, does not prevent macular degeneration. or reduce knee pain

Another large study in Australia found that People who regularly take vitamin D supplements does not result in a long lifeDr. JoAnn Manson, chief of preventive medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School and lead author of the VITAL trial, said:

This study was huge. Some of the participants were patients with osteoporosis. Some are people with low vitamin D levels. which they clearly showed that They don’t get any benefit. From vitamin D supplements in terms of reducing the risk of brittle bones at all.

“The results of this study surprised many,” said Dr Manson. and added that “But it seems people need only a small to moderate amount of this vitamin to promote bone health. Higher doses of vitamins are not more beneficial.”

The findings have become controversial in the medical community. nutrition circle and widely used in health medicine Many orthopedic specialists have different opinions. with the view that it will continue to recommend osteoporosis patients or those with low bone mass, continue to take vitamin D and calcium.


refer : The New York Times,,

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