Check the warning signs that “thyroid poisoning” is more dangerous than you think.

from the case “Sunny U Four” Former 90’s boy band dies of congenital disease in a condo in the Town in Town area, which Sunny U Four havecongenital diseaseMany diseases and before death had symptoms. “Thyroid Toxic” We will begin to get to know each other. “Thyroid Toxic” and alarm

“thyroid” (Thyroid Gland) is the largest endocrine gland in the body. in the front of the neck look like butterfly wings It is responsible for producing hormones and secreted into the bloodstream to act in the various organs of the body under the control of the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. The creation of hormones requires iodine as a component. Too much or too little iodine can cause malfunctions and affect almost every organ in the body.

the importance of hormones thyroid Thyroid hormones affect various organs of the body as follows:

– Helps to promote the growth of the body and various organs

– related to the functioning of the brain and nervous system including emotional states

– regulate metabolism and body temperature

– Helps to promote the functioning of other organs such as muscles, heart, bones

However, if the body has hormone levels thyroid Higher than normal systems in the body will be stimulated to work more. This condition is called “Thyroid Toxic” which is very dangerous to health

symptom “Thyroid Toxic” There are different symptoms of the disease. for the following reasons:

– Generate abnormally high levels of hormones

– thyroid inflammation thus releasing a large amount of stored hormones

– Getting too much thyroid hormone from drugs or ingredients in certain dietary supplements taking certain medications

– Severe morning sickness or ovarian tumors produce too much hormone.

– Pituitary tumors produce hormone-stimulating hormones. but very rarely found

When the body “Thyroid Toxic” Some patients may have no symptoms. Some may show symptoms that are very clear and severe to a critical condition. Because hormones stimulate the body’s many systems at the same time. Each patient shows a variety of symptoms as follows:

– Cardiovascular system: easy tiredness, rapid heartbeat, palpitations, irregular heartbeat and may even lead to heart failure

– Nervous system: trembling hands, irritability, insomnia, restlessness, lack of concentration

– Skin system: excessive sweating, moist skin, hair loss, baldness, thickening of the skin around the shins. thumb or finger

baton eroded nails

-Eye system: eyes enlarged, eyelids open, or bulging eyes

– Gastrointestinal: frequent hunger, frequent urination, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

– Metabolism : Weight loss even when eating in normal amounts or eating more than usual, body warms up

– Reproductive system : Irregular menstruation, calyx, irregular menstruation, infertility.

– Musculoskeletal system: weakness, trembling hands

– Neck: The neck is enlarged, some people may have a lump on the neck.

treatment “Thyroid Toxic”

It can be treated with drugs that inhibit hormone production by ingestion, radiation or surgery.thyroidIt depends on the symptoms, severity and congenital disease of the patient. The doctor will determine the appropriate treatment for each patient.

How to take care of yourself if Toxic thyroid
Patients should see their doctor for follow-up appointments. And take the drug regularly, do not stop taking the drug by yourself, refrain from smoking, avoid foods that are high in iodine. Take your birth control plan seriously and don’t get pregnant while having symptoms. to prevent possible effects on mother and baby If there are abnormal symptoms or relapses, see a doctor asap.

10 alarm check the symptoms thyroid abnormal

1. Weakness, tiredness, palpitations
Patients with hypothyroidism can affect heart function, causing them to feel tired easily, palpitations, or fatigue. Not active in hypothyroidism

2. Hair loss
Hypothyroidism or hypothyroidism can cause hair loss.

3. Can’t sleep
Insomnia is often threatened even though he is usually a person who sleeps easily and is able to sleep soundly all the time. This is because if the thyroid is abnormal, it may secrete too much hormones that stimulate the central nervous system and interfere with rest.

4. Feeling sleepy all the time
Occur in hypothyroidism, low functioning will cause fatigue and not refreshed together.

5. Unusually fatter or thinner
An abnormal thyroid gland in a way that secretes a lot of hormones will stimulate the metabolic system to be too diligent in the condition of thyroid poisoning, and will find that weight loss is rapid. In low thyroid function, it is easy to gain weight. due to lower metabolism

6. Hungry often or not hungry to eat less
If your thyroid is working more, you may feel hungry more often, eat more, but lose weight. If the thyroid works less, it may be less eatable, easily bloated and fat.

7. Excretion is not normal.
Going to the bathroom less than usual or often constipated, even if they eat fruits and vegetables caused by the body has a thyroid deficiency. In hypothyroidism, intestinal function is increased. cause defecation more often than usual In low thyroid, constipation may occur.

8. Feeling cold all the time or getting hotter
The thyroid gland does not secrete enough hormones. causing the metabolic system to work slower Body heat will be reduced. Hypothyroidism is characterized by hot flashes. sweating more than usual As for hypothyroidism, there will be more chills.

9. dry skin
Hypothyroidism is a slower metabolism that results in more dry skin or reduced sweating.

10. Heart palpitations
A condition in which too much thyroid hormone speeds up the processes of the entire body, causing the heart to beat faster.

Thank you for the information Bangkok Hospital Vejthani Hospital

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