Sicpa or the opaque business of the king of traceability

Indeed, over the years and the different successions of the Amon family at its head, the original values ​​of the company have been diluted. The company is today accused of corruption by the Public Ministry of the Confederation, which has been conducting an investigation since 2015 into its actions in several countries around the world.

When the procedure was opened, it related to events that took place in 14 countries: Ghana, Togo, Philippines, Egypt, Brazil, India, Kazakhstan, Colombia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam. It is still in progress, confirms to us today the federal prosecutor’s office, without giving more details. In Brazil, the company paid 135 million francs to put an end to its legal troubles and to be able to continue doing business there. Faced with the Swiss authorities, however, Sicpa continues to claim his innocence.

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