“Spoofing fraud” using the resources of the sandbox RPG “Terabit” without permission is occurring-False as “NFT game that can obtain virtual currency” | GameBusiness.jp

Cyberstep is an open world sandbox RPG “TerabitWe have posted a warning on the official website regarding “spoofing fraudulent content” that uses the resources of “Spoofing” without permission.

According to the alert article, the content that is spoofing is “MetaLovil”. It is said that the website of the relevant content develops and publishes images, videos, articles, blog contents, etc. by itself, but it seems that Cyberstep does not permit the use of the content.

In the “MetaLovil” site, the content is described as “an NFT game where you can get virtual currency”. However, CyberStep emphasizes that this is a fictitious NFT game and will not be returned to users. In addition, CyberStep “cannot take any responsibility” for any damage caused by the use of the relevant content.

CyberStep has made it clear that it will take strict measures against the content, saying that using the resources of “Terabit” without permission and giving disadvantages to the users of the content is “a significant loss of trust”. I am.

UPDATE(2022/1/13 23:30):The title has been partially revised. Thank you for pointing out in the comments.

“Spoofing fraud” using the resources of the sandbox RPG “Terabit” without permission is occurring-False as “NFT game that can obtain virtual currency”[UPDATE]


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