Strange and Macabre: Italian Brothers Leave Father’s Body in Cave to Collect His Pension

2023-07-12 23:50:04

In Italy, the inhabitants have been surprised by a strange and macabre event that happened in that country and that has made headlines.

According to Italian media, three brothers decided to leave their father’s body in a cave with the intention of continuing to collect his pension after his death.

The man identified as Bruno ‘el Negro’, who suffered from a disease that had him bedridden, died in July 2022.

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Immediately afterwards, his children put the body in a sack and left it in a cave 350 kilometers from his home, located in the province of L’Aquila, according to the ‘Ansa’ news agency.

With this act, they continued to collect their father’s pension, reaching a total of 60,000 euros before being discovered.

According to the accounts of the authorities, the body would have spent eight months in the morgue without identifying it, but thanks to the forensic examinations they managed to find out who the subject was, thanks to the fact that a femoral prosthesis had been implanted, according to the aforementioned agency.

The children put the body in a sack and left it in a cave 350 kilometers from their home, located in the province of L’Aquila, according to the ‘Ansa’ news agency.

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Investigations by the Italian authorities discovered that a family member apparently found the body lifeless and with the complicity of his brothers and sister-in-law decided to leave him in the cave.

These people will have to answer for the crimes of removal of the body, fraud against the Italian National Institute of Social Security (INPS) and misuse of the aid card.

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