Stressed Skin Disease: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options for Clear and Healthy Skin

2023-10-12 06:19:00


From a person with a clear face, acne developed and a rash appeared, even though I was not allergic to anything. or change cosmetics Try checking to see if you’re feeling stressed during this period? Because stress results in ‘Stressed skin disease’ symptoms of stressed skin disease Observed since Skin irritation from internal inflammation Dry skin lacking moisture, acne-prone face, dull, not bright facial skin. Adverse effects on the scalp and hair. If you want good skin, you can start with this. Choose foods that help fight the sun, reduce stress, find time to nap, avoid alcohol, smoking, laugh often, and exercise.

‘Stress’ is a state of emotions and feelings that are forced or pressured, which each person has ways to adapt to get through. Stress that cannot be released until affecting daily life May turn into depression (Depressive disorder) or anxiety disorders (Anxiety disorders)

Symptoms that indicate we are stressed It’s not just headaches, irritability, insomnia, or loss of appetite. But it can also be expressed through the ‘skin’ and the symptoms do not come randomly because they come in what the medical profession calls ‘Stressed skin disease’

Stress affects chemicals in the body, making the skin more sensitive or irritated. Including affecting recovery or wound healing.

When there is stress, the body secretes more of certain hormones, such as the hormone cortisol. This hormone stimulates the sebaceous glands under the skin to produce more fat. It makes it easier to get acne. You will notice that many people may have acne during exams or may have acne during this period of extreme stress.

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Get to know ‘stressed skin disease’

Stress also has a stimulating effect on people who already have certain skin diseases. Symptoms may recur, for example:

People with red facial acne or (Rosacea), people with psoriasis (Psoriasis), people with Chronic Eczema or chronic inflammation of the skin.

‘Stressed skin’ is a skin psychological disease called ‘stressed skin’. Psychodermatology which is caused by mental state or stress that stimulates the body to release certain hormones more than usual until the body loses balance Affects the work processes in the body, including ‘skin’.

How are skin diseases and mental diseases related? They can be divided into 3 groups.

1. Groups that already have skin diseases But mental illness causes skin disease to worsen.

such as acne, hair loss in patches Atopic dermatitis, herpes, excessive sweating, itching, psoriasis, lichen simplex chronicus, hives, and warts.

2. Skin diseases cause mental illness.

It was found that skin diseases that have an unsightly appearance or disgusting conditions such as severe acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, and herpes, causing patients to feel embarrassed Loss of self-confidence and stress

3. Group of mental diseases with skin symptoms

It was found that some skin abnormalities are direct symptoms of mental illnesses, such as the disease of pulling hair until it falls out. Delusion that there are parasites or insects crawling on the skin. and dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance

Symptoms of stressed skin

Over the past several years, surrounding conditions have caused Thai people to be very stressed. Stress has many negative effects on the body, such as making it easy to forget, not being able to concentrate at work, being easily irritated, easily irritated, becoming addicted to drugs, stomach pain, headaches, back pain, and insomnia. Stress also puts you at risk for ischemic heart disease. high blood pressure Stomach ulcers, asthma, a toxic thyroid gland, and psychosis and neurosis. In addition, stress or mental illness also affects the skin.

For symptoms of stressed skin disease

1. Skin irritation from internal inflammation.

When stress is accumulated for a long time It will cause the digestive system to work poorly. Until inflammation of the intestines may occur. And when the internal system is inflamed It will affect the outside of the body. It may come in the form of acne. psoriasis or other skin infections

2. Dry skin, lack of moisture.

Chronic stress causes the body to produce a hormone called “Cortisol” which affects the skin. Because this hormone will reduce the skin’s ability to retain moisture. Makes the skin dry and lacking moisture.

3. Face has acne from stress.

When stressed, cells in the body produce fat. When sebum mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria, it causes clogs in the pores. It is the cause of acne. Washing your face often may not help solve this problem.

4. Facial skin is dull and not bright.

Stress triggers the body’s response as it does when we are in danger. The body first sends blood to important organs such as the heart, brain, lungs, and liver, which contributes to the skin, including the facial skin. There is less blood to nourish. Which results in dull facial skin, looking tired and not radiant.

5. Adverse effects on the scalp and hair

Each person’s scalp and hair The mind responds differently to stress. Some people have oilier hair than usual, dry ends, dandruff, or unusual hair loss. All of which are caused by us being overwhelmed with stress.

How does stress affect the skin?

When stressed, the body releases the stress hormone cortisol, causing the sebaceous glands to work more. Symptoms of oily skin, acne, and other skin diseases occur.

Stress also lowers the body’s immunity, making the skin more prone to infections. Recurrence of herpes, shingles, slow wound healing, and increased incidence of skin cancer.

Some people bite their nails when stressed. Stress also causes facial muscles to tighten. Deep wrinkles appear on the face, such as on the forehead and at the top of the eyebrows.

Delusional psychosis of the skin

The delusional syndrome is characterized by: The patient can live a normal life with other people. Can be separated able to talk about Can do everything like a normal person. This is because the patient does not think that he is sick. Most therefore do not receive treatment. In terms of skin diseases, delusional skin disorders can also be found, such as

Psychopaths mistakenly believe that there are parasites on their skin.

Patients will say that they feel like there are parasites or insects crawling. drilled into a tunnel or bite the skin

The disease is thought to have fibers protruding from the skin.

Patients with this disease believe that they have fibers. or other materials Embedded or emerging from the skin

“I’m not beautiful” disease and delusional psychosis that I have body odor.

Patients are worried about body odor, breath or vaginal odor. causing patients to avoid socializing The patient will shower and change clothes more often than usual.

Patients with this disease think that they have an abnormality in their skin. or have disproportionate organs Some people worry about thinning hair, hirsutism, and enlarged follicles. This disease is called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) or BDD. Patients like to compare organs that they think are abnormal with others. I like to do my hair and makeup every once in a while. I like to think about my own appearance. Severe depressive symptoms are often found together. If the disease occurs in adults, it may manifest itself in the form of a severe fear of aging. BDD usually begins at a young age, 16-17 years of age, and is chronic.

Fear of growing old or Dorian Gray syndrome

It is named after the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, in which the main character, Dorian Gray, is so afraid of aging that he asks for a painting to age instead. Patients with this syndrome have the characteristics of BDD along with abnormal mental development. The patient also has a history of drug use. or techniques that improve the quality of life in at least 2 types, including hair growth medicine, fat reduction medicine, and sexual enhancement medicine antidepressant medication Come treat the skin. To enhance beauty (such as laser skin resurfacing) and cosmetic surgery (such as facelift surgery, liposuction)

You can look at the overall picture. How are mental diseases and skin diseases related? And skin isn’t just a shell that covers the body. But it is also an organ of the body that is related to other systems of the body and mind. Therefore, you should understand why sometimes it is a skin disease and the dermatologist asks you to see a psychiatrist as well. Or sometimes it’s already a skin disease. The dermatologist asked me to see an internist to check the liver, check the kidneys, check the blood system, etc. This is because changes in the body, other organs, mind, and skin are related. and can affect each other.

How to avoid causing skin stress symptoms?

We may not be able to avoid stress 100 percent in our lives. Each person should have their own method of getting rid of stress in each form.

For example, if you know you are stressed during this time. There may be time management to escape to do activities that you like. Maybe exercise or meditate. Regular exercise and adequate sleep also help a lot.

Including the fact that we consult with friends or family members. Or even with a Therapist or a therapist can help us reduce stress and cope with stress better.

If you want to have good skin, you must behave like this.

1. Choose foods that help resist sunlight.

Sunlight and hot weather in our country have a direct impact on the skin, whether it be dry skin problems, red skin, burning skin, or big problems like skin cancer. In addition to wearing protective sunscreen, you should also supplement with foods that contain lycopene, beta-carotene, and amino acids, which are found in abundance in tomatoes and squash. that has properties that help prevent skin burns from sunlight Moisturizes the skin and delays premature aging.

2. Reduce stress

Stress, worry, these things not only destroy our minds but can also have a negative effect on our skin. Because when the body is stressed or upset, it releases a stress hormone called ‘cortisol’, causing fat to work harder. The result is oily skin that causes acne all over the face and other parts of the body. Moreover, it can become red, itchy and easily become more vulnerable to other infections.

Therefore, you should try to look at the world in a positive light. Make your mind clear. And find ways to relieve stress such as exercise, meditation, breathing exercises, etc. The important thing is to get enough rest.

3. Find time to nap.

If you are one of those people who don’t get enough sleep. Taking a nap is also a shortcut for your skin to recover. Just taking a nap for about 20 minutes is enough time for your body to create new skin cells to replace old ones, helping your skin look more plump and radiant. It also helps reduce acne and dark circles under the eyes. Or if you suffer from insomnia, smell the gentle scent of lavender. It will help you sleep easier.

4. Drink before bed to create beautiful skin.

In addition to clean, pure water, try finding yogurt, sour milk (recommended low-fat formula) or prune extract before bed. It will help you have a good bowel movement in the morning as if it were to expel waste from the body. This results in the face and body skin looking radiant and fresh.

5. Exercise helps tighten the skin.

Exercise is truly a miracle drug. In addition to having a strong body and being in shape, it also helps the oxygen in the body circulate well. Makes the skin more radiant You can start out easily by alternating between running and walking. Start with a 5-minute warm-up, then try walking or running, alternating between periods of light intensity, such as running quite fast for 30 minutes, alternating with walking slowly for 3-4 minutes, doing it 45-60 minutes a day for at least 5-6 weeks. It’s important to exercise. The body should do it in moderation and regularly. Don’t overdo it or don’t rest your body. Because it will make you look worn out. The digestive system is disrupted, which causes the body and skin to be dull in the long term.

6. Stop and quit alcohol and cigarettes.

Because it is something that adds dullness to the skin because of alcohol. Cigarettes or other addictive drugs cause blood vessels to narrow. Blood circulation is difficult and destroys elastin and collagen. Makes the skin pale and dry. Moreover, the body lacks vitamin A. which is an antioxidant, therefore easily causes injury to the skin Wrinkles appear along the forehead and crow’s feet around the eyes, which are more common in people who smoke heavily.

7. Laugh often has a positive effect.

Laughter is just as effective as exercise. As soon as you laugh, the muscles in your face and throughout your body stretch. Pulse and blood pressure will increase. Which helps transport oxygen to various tissues, helping to build strength in every part of the body, from the brain, circulatory system, digestive system, immune system. or even skin that makes the face move flexible Not tight or tight In addition, it gives us stress relief as well.

8. Take skin care supplements.

Eating supplements in various forms is a good help, such as vitamin C, which is important for strengthening the immune system and accelerating the creation of new skin cells. Vitamin E helps protect skin cells. from free radicals Helps prolong the life of the skin and moisturize it. Or another way is to consult a doctor specializing in skin and anti-aging medicine. Which will give advice and check your physical condition. What vitamins or nutrients are you lacking in order to strengthen your skin and body in the long term?

refer: Office of the Health Promotion Foundation ,Bangkok Hospital ,Bangkok Insurance

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