Symptoms that reveal liver problems

Liver diseases can be caused by genetics or by factors that harm the liver, such as viruses, alcohol consumption, and obesity. Experts note that over time this can cause scarring (cirrhosis).

Experts in the portal Mayo Clinic indicate that early treatment can give the liver time to heal.

It is also important to be clear that the symptoms of liver damage are sometimes not noticeable.

In Mayo Clinic highlight these signs and symptoms of liver disease:

  • Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
  • Bloating and abdominal pain
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles
  • Skin itch
  • dark colored urine
  • pale stool color
  • chronic fatigue
  • nausea or vomiting
  • loss of appetite
  • Tendency to bruise easily

In the mentioned portal they warn that You should go to the doctor when the symptoms are persistent and when you have severe abdominal pain.

According to Mayo Clinicparasites and viruses can infect the liver, causing inflammation that decreases liver function.” In the mentioned portal they explain that these viruses that affect the liver “They can be transmitted through contaminated blood or semen, water or food, or by close contact with a person who is infected.”

Experts in the portal your health point out some of the problems that affect this organ, one of them is fatty liver, which is scientifically known as hepatic steatosis, it can be caused by the accumulation of fat in the liver, which generally occurs due to poor diet, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or diseases such as obesity, diabetes or high cholesterol.

It is worth mentioning that at first fatty liver does not produce symptoms, but as this affectation increases in this organ, symptoms such as abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, general malaise such as nausea and vomiting can be caused.

One of the options to help with this condition is physical exercise, as a portal report Runners world say what Running helps keep the liver healthy and prevent diseases such as non-alcoholic fatty liver.

Similarly, a study published in the Molecular Metabolism shows that sport can modify mitochondrial function and thus reduce the development of fatty liver deposits.

In the study, mice were fed a high-calorie diet to help with the development of fat in the liver, and one group was then put to run for six weeks.

At the end of the study it was shown that the group that did physical exercise provided more regulated liver enzymes and better mitochondrial activity.

Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by infection with hepatitis A, B, C, D or E viruses. points in your healththis affectation is common in people who drink alcoholic beverages in excess.

Yellow skin or eyes are very common symptoms of hepatitis. On the other hand, “the treatment is carried out according to the cause of the disease”, they explain in Your Health.

On the other hand, cirrhosis occurs due to the permanent destruction of liver cells, causing these cells to be replaced by fibrous tissue, as if it were a scar, hindering liver function.

This disease can be caused by toxins, excessive alcohol use, fat in the liver or hepatitis, for example, and in the early stages it may not show symptoms. However, in more advanced cases it can cause pain in the abdomen, dark urine or whitish stools, for example.

Another affectation in the liver is liver failure, which is a disease in which this organ stops performing its functions “being able to cause a series of complications such as coagulation problems, cerebral edema, pulmonary infection or kidney failure,” they explain in Your Health.

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