Covid-19: The thriller of nature conservation crowds lastly solved?

2024-06-21 10:39:27 A latest research lastly helps clarify why some individuals seem like proof once morest the coronavirus even with out a vaccine. Observe the total protection Covid-19: Residing with the virus If a vaccine helps forestall extreme types of Covid-19, a few of us have already got the assets to combat the illness due … Read more

COVID-19 vs Colds: How to Tell the Difference and Protect Yourself – Expert Insights by Dr. Lou Zhongliang

2023-10-11 04:11:07 Is it a cold, the flu, or a confirmed diagnosis? People often cannot tell the difference. (Image/reproduced from photoAC) COVID-19 has been raging around the world for more than three years. Although the epidemic alert has dropped a lot now, the virus is still alive and changing. Coupled with the recent weather changes … Read more

In Loving Memory: Xie Zilong, Father of Taiwanese Tennis Queen Hsieh Shu-wei, Passes Away at Home

2023-10-02 03:35:07 It was reported that Xie Zilong passed away at home yesterday evening (1st). (Picture / taken from Facebook / Yu-Chieh Hsieh) Taiwanese tennis queen Hsieh Shu-wei’s father, Hsieh Zi-long, was shocked to hear that she passed away at home yesterday evening (1st). Hsieh Su-wei’s sister, Hsieh Yu-jeong, posted a group photo, saying “Good … Read more

Exploring the Connection between Post-Epidemic Reaction and Blood Clots: A British Study

2023-09-01 07:07:42 A British study found that the post-epidemic reaction of the new crown may be related to blood clots. (Picture / flip from pixabay) The new crown pneumonia epidemic has slowed down globally, but many people have experienced it more than twice, and they will feel tired every time they recover, and even forget … Read more

Extended Flu Season: Protect Yourself with Flu Vaccines and Safety Measures

2023-07-29 22:50:23 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention usually launches flu vaccines in October every year. By the time the peak flu season arrives, there will be sufficient protection, and the public is urged to get the flu vaccine as soon as possible! The new crown epidemic has disrupted the flu season. Although it … Read more

Li Liqun’s Health Journey: Battling New Coronary Pneumonia and Infectious Herpes

2023-07-17 06:57:19 Li Liqun had to take more than a dozen pills every day. (Picture / flip from Li Liqun’s Douyin) Veteran actor Li Liqun recently blew himself up. He had never been hospitalized in his life, but he was hospitalized three times this year. The reason was that he was diagnosed with new coronary … Read more

The Link Between Lymphatic and Respiratory Health: Enhance Your Lung Function With Self-Lymphatic Massage

2023-04-16 17:08:53 Lymphatic health equals respiratory health. (Image source: Adobe Stock) Adults breathe regarding 15 to 20 times a minute, and babies breathe twice as many times as adults.Although breathing is an automatic action, handled by our parasympathetic nervous system, it is actually a complex process andlymphHe also subtly contributed his own strength during this … Read more

“10 Things to Watch Out for in May: Insights from Indian Prodigy and Current Events Worldwide”

2023-04-17 04:46:00 Senior reporter Zhong Zhipeng / Report from Taipei ▲Indian child prodigy warned Taiwan to be careful and pay attention to 10 things in May, and Japan and the world should also pay attention to “emergencies”. (Photo/Sanli News Network) Please read on…. ▲ The Indian Prodigy warned Taiwan to be careful regarding 10 things … Read more