how the fruits of the baobab allowed him to beat the world

2024-05-19 11:03:31 A brand new examine relies on the evaluation of the genomes of the eight identified species of the tree to lastly inform the story of its evolution. It is right here “mom of the forest”. The baobab, with its astonishingly swollen silhouette, can reside for greater than 2,000 years, attain 30 meters in … Read more

Miraculous rescue of the Voyager probe 24 billion kilometers from Earth

2024-04-25 19:17:57 The Voyager 1 probe plunges into interstellar space at a speed of 60,900 km/h (artist’s impression). NASA/JPL-Caltech DECRYPTION – NASA engineers have succeeded in reprogramming the computer of the probe that was launched in 1977 and is now exploring interstellar space, beyond our solar system. When the Voyager 1 probe began sending unintelligible … Read more

Why the universe is expanding faster than expected

2024-04-18 15:06:47 The gap between the rate of expansion measured by NASA’s new James Webb Space Telescope and the “theoretical” value derived from the Standard Model has even widened. You probably already know this: the universe is not static but expanding. He grows up. It was an American astronomer, Edwin Hubble, who was the first … Read more

Strange bird footprints, 60 million years before they appeared

2023-12-05 14:25:04 In southern Africa, unknown animals left bird-like tracks long before the oldest known representatives of this genus. At first glance, these little prints look a lot like those of birds. Birds, like we come across almost every day on all continents. Except that these prints are almost 200 million years old, a time … Read more

The Key to Longevity: How a Balanced Diet Can Add Years to Your Life

2023-12-04 10:36:18 By Anne Prigent Published yesterday at 4:39 p.m., Updated 2 hours ago The diet associated with the lowest mortality contains whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish, milk or dairy products, and meat, according to a study published in the journal Nature Food. white. BERNARD BODO – Balanced meals bring a real … Read more

Revolutionary Therapeutic Innovation for Depression – Marcel Dassault Prize Winner

2023-11-21 18:00:00 DECRYPTION – The work of a French researcher exploring a new therapeutic target received the Marcel Dassault Prize for innovation in psychiatry. Heal the depression by simply taking a medication, and spare patients the profound repercussions of the disease on their mental life, their cognitive abilities and their social life? A dream that … Read more

Unlocking Clear Vision: Everything You Need to Know About Myopia Surgery in France

2023-11-20 05:00:00 OUR HEALTH ADVICE – Every year in France, 100,000 to 200,000 people take the plunge and have their myopia operated on. The goal: to do without glasses or contact lenses. Who is eligible, how does the operation work, what are the risks? Answers with a specialist. Recover good eyesight thanks to a laser. … Read more

“Protection of the starry sky is progressing”

2023-11-19 18:26:19 Éric Lagadec is an astrophysicist at the Côte d’Azur Observatory. Dylan Meiffret/PHOTOPQR/NICE MATIN/MAXPPP INTERVIEW – The French astrophysicist defends the fight once morest light pollution so that, as since the beginning of humanity, everyone can marvel at the spectacle of the stars. AND ric Lagadec is an astrophysicist at the Côte d’Azur Observatory … Read more