Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are on the verge of more mega deals

It seems as if the success of Prince Harry (38) and Meghan Markle (40) does not want to decrease. Both the memoir and the Netflix series turned out to be box office hits. Now it seems others want a piece of the cake too… The Sussexes are now said to be facing several blockbuster contracts. … Read more

The incredible feat of James Cameron

He is now second only to Titanic ($2.194 billion), Avengers : Endgame ($2.799 billion) and Avatar ($2.923 billion). Which means that in the top 4 blockbusters having accumulated the biggest mountains of greenbacks, James Cameron has made three. Only the brothers Anthony and Joe Russo prevent him from occupying the entire podium on his own. … Read more

“Babylon” in the cinema: Damien Chazelle, the prodigy who revives the Roaring Twenties of Hollywood

Like many film buffs of his generation, Damien Chazelle admits that for a long time he had a fairly superficial, even distorted vision of this era. “At first I only saw the comic side“, he explains. “It was present too, of course. But I realized how catastrophic it had been for some people. Suicides, murders, … Read more