Controversy at Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Exploring Sex Education in Medical Courses

2023-12-10 06:00:13 A teacher from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangsu Province, mainland China, recently explained “erogenous pictures” in class. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) A teacher from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Jiangsu Province, Mainland China, was explaining “erotic pictures” in class recently, but was accused by students of filming the process. … Read more

Zhenjiang Economic Development Zone Court Auctions 999999 Mobile Phone Numbers

2023-12-06 12:55:52 The Court of Zhenjiang Economic Development Zone in Jiangsu Province, Mainland China, recently auctioned a set of mobile phone numbers ending in “999999”. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) The Zhenjiang Economic Development Zone Court in Jiangsu Province, mainland China, recently auctioned a set of mobile phone numbers ending in “999999”. After 24 hours of bidding, … Read more

Unruly Birthday Celebration: Hotel Left in Chaos After Cake Fight

2023-11-20 13:47:35 I went overboard and smashed the cake during the birthday celebration, and 4 employees mightn’t clean it all in 2 hours. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) In various film and television works, we often see scenes of birthday celebrations where the birthday star has cake cream on his face. Although proper grooming can enhance the … Read more

How to Get Refunds After Unfulfilled Orders on Secoo APP: Consumer Rights and Legal Actions

2023-11-19 10:01:16 I spent 79,000 on clothes on the APP, but the seller neither shipped nor refunded. (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) A woman surnamed Yan from Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, mainland China, reported that in August 2022, she spent more than 18,000 yuan (approximately NT$79,000) to buy 4 pieces of clothing on the Secoo APP. Now … Read more

Controversial Request for Princess Treatment in Ambulance Raises Debate

2023-11-18 05:11:20 The woman asked the ambulance crew to tell her, “Princess, please get in the car.” (Image/Unsplash) A woman from Mainland China accidentally fell down and suffered bruises on her hands and feet, making her unable to walk. After calling for help, when the ambulance arrived, she asked the ambulance staff to say “Princess, … Read more

Naughty Boy Turns Lamborghini into Sandpit: Costly Consequences and Repair Issues

2023-11-01 04:58:13 (Picture/reproduced from Weibo) Sometimes children’s naughty behavior can really cause heavy losses to parents. Recently, an incident occurred in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China, where a naughty boy caused his parents to pay heavy compensation. A child used a Lamborghini worth more than 10 million yuan (equivalent to more than NT$40 million) as a sandpit … Read more

Controversy Arises as Woman Exposes Fake Mooncakes Sent by Company

2023-09-27 12:58:14 The woman discovered that the company sent fake mooncakes. (Picture/reproduced from the good-looking video) A woman in Suzhou, Jiangsu, mainland China, found a hair in a mooncake distributed by the company. Then she doubted the quality of the mooncakes, so she decided to consult the mooncake manufacturer. Only then did she learn that … Read more