China calls for ceasefire in Ukraine

24.02.2023 03:09 (Akt. 24.02.2023 03:10) First anniversary of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine ©APA/EDGAR SCHÜTZ (Archive/War damage in Butscha) China has called for a ceasefire in the Ukraine war. A much-anticipated 12-point paper released by the Foreign Ministry in Beijing on Friday also calls for an immediate resumption of negotiations between Russia and … Read more

“No Sign” – Expert Reveals Putin’s War Plan – Ukraine

Vladimir Putin’s troops have been attacking Ukraine for about a year. A journalist is now analyzing how the warmonger will proceed. “The delivery of arms is going more bumpily than one would have liked,” journalist Denis Trubetskoy describes the mood in Kiev in the war-torn country. He cannot understand that there is criticism that Ukraine … Read more

Austria: “The question is not whether a blackout will come, but when”

kvpllpeu Glleapteklnua. Vll puttleu ulekl pu lnu, etp up pep unl Ikeulle vole. Vll Oeppeu nup lu Qplellelek nup lu Bnluoe ent Pteehunlp uulpelelleu. VBUI: Vep lnl Qplellelek? Ieuuel: Vll kepeu pekuu ​​lO Iekl 0909 pvpleOellpek peOll peauuueu, ple Qplellelekelluueu nup Qplellelekel tel elueu Pteehunl en peuplpltlpleleu. Fenle lpl pep IkeOe lu peu Gooteu pel … Read more

Ukraine – Frost shock to Putin’s troops: Russian powerlessness stuns experts! | politics

The footage is like something out of a horror film: numerous drone videos show Russian soldiers in Ukraine who are alive and uninjured – but lying on the ground stunned and unable to defend themselves. Even when Ukrainian shells land right next to them, the soldiers show almost no reaction. In this state, the Putin … Read more