Melania Trump surprises with appearance in Milwaukee

3.40 am: Former wrestling star Hulk Hogan energized the crowd at the Republican convention in Milwaukee. The 70-year-old ripped off his black shirt displaying the US flag to thunderous applause, revealing a bright red muscle shirt emblazoned with “Trump – Vance 2024.” Read more here. 3.30 am: At the Republican convention, right-wing talk show host … Read more

Orbán – “Peace needs active steps” – 2024-07-09 14:28:40

UPDATE – Orbán in Moscow: Written by Rainer Ackermann Prime Minister Viktor Orbán continued his peace mission in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday. EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell was quick to clarify that the Hungarian had no mandate from the EU. In the morning, Orbán gave his usual Friday interview for … Read more

Russia is using Trump to make terrorism allegations against Biden 2024-04-10 23:47:35

IIn the statement from the Russian Investigative Committee, neither the name of American President Joe Biden nor the terrorist attack on Crocus City Hall near Moscow, in which at least 144 people were killed on March 22, are directly mentioned. But the aim is obviously to establish a connection between the two: the committee announced … Read more

Russia’s demographic problem: Putin wants more births 2024-04-08 06:30:34

SFor some time now, Russia has once more been honoring “heroine mothers”: women who have given birth to ten or more Russian citizens. Vladimir Putin reintroduced the order, which had been forgotten with the end of the Soviet Union, in the summer of 2022. If the president had his way, Russian families would soon have … Read more

How Russia wants to conquer and divide Ukraine 2024-04-04 20:54:34

Medvedev’s appearance in Sochi on March 4 in front of a map dividing Ukraine between Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Hungary Image: Kommersant/Picture Alliance Sometimes senior Russian politicians say that Ukraine should become entirely Russian, sometimes they talk regarding dividing the country between Russia, Poland, Romania and Hungary. What is that supposed to mean? ADmitry Medvedev … Read more

Vladimir Putin is his great friend 2024-04-02 20:44:35

GErhard Schröder eats less currywurst. Instead of beer there is non-alcoholic rosé, bread rolls with butter and jam are canceled. Now oat flakes and oat milk are on the table and, very important: nuts. This is what his wife Soyeon Schröder-Kim’s diet plan says, which she revealed to the press. He promised her thirty years … Read more

Suwałki gap: Lukashenko threatens NATO 2024-03-28 02:09:49

EIt was a scene straight out of a James Bond film, with Alexandr Lukashenko in the role of the supervillain. For the first time, the Minsk ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin publicly discussed possible military operations in the so-called Suwałki Gap between Belarus and the Russian exclave Königsberg. Sitting on Lukashenko’s lap was the … Read more