DIPETHE Patras: Second stage at Barry, nominations for the position of artistic director – 2024-05-09 18:31:53

Second theater scene soon acquires the Municipal Regional Theater of Patrasproviding a temporary solution to the problem that has arisen with the closed, due to renovation work, “Apollo” theater. The president of our local chapter, Lydia Karathanasopoulouuses the first floor of its offices DIPETHE at Othonos-Amalias 6 and turns it into an industrial theater space, … Read more

“P” reveals: The first nominations for the Artistic Direction – 2024-04-19 22:50:34

Two native artists, as “P” reveals today, intend to run for the position of artistic director of DIPETHE Patras. They are Tatiana Loverdou, acclaimed choreographer, dance teacher, director of the “Dance and Arts Center” “Dansarte” and Dimitris Georgalas, actor and director. It remains to be seen if the Peletidis municipal authority, this time, will elect … Read more

Pierre Rabadan elected president of the Paris Tourist Office

2023-11-23 18:37:21 November 23, 2023 Briefs, Career, Communities Nominations. Pierre Rabadan, adjoint à la Maire de Paris en charge du Sport, des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques et de la Seine, a été élu président l’Office du tourisme et Lire la suite ici… .elementor-widget-wrap > .elementor-widget:not(.elementor-widget__width-auto):not(.elementor-widget__width-initial):not(:last-child):not(.elementor-absolute){margin-bottom:0px;}.elementor-18648 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1dde5712{text-align:center;}.elementor-18648 .elementor-element.elementor-element-276b611b{font-size:1.4em;}.elementor-18648 .elementor-element.elementor-element-36af5b68{margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:40px;}.elementor-18648 .elementor-element.elementor-element-6bf0ce15 > .elementor-widget-wrap > .elementor-widget:not(.elementor-widget__width-auto):not(.elementor-widget__width-initial):not(:last-child):not(.elementor-absolute){margin-bottom:0px;}.elementor-18648 .elementor-element.elementor-element-6bf0ce15 > … Read more

Macky Sall makes two new appointments

2023-08-30 20:29:31 The Council of Ministers was held this Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at the Palace of the Republic, under the chairmanship of the Head of State Macky Sall. Under individual measures, President Macky Sall took the following decisions: Madame Mame Marième THIAM, Holder of a Master 2 in Management and Project Management, is appointed … Read more

Do you want to be a soldier in Morena? Attention, there is already a new requirement

The national leader of Morena, Mario Delgado, announced that from October who want to be militants they will have to accredit a new requirement. The requirement will be that they register in the Party Political Training Institute to accredit studies on the movement of the fourth transformation. It may interest you: Without ‘bargaining’ Morena will … Read more