WHO accepts Carvativir as an effective drug against COVID-19

The World Health Organization (WHO) accepted the Venezuelan antiviral Carvativir as an effective oral medicine to fight COVID-19. This was reported by the Minister of Popular Power for National Trade, Dheliz Álvarez, on her Instagram account, @dhelizalvarez. The minister expressed: “With great satisfaction, we inform that according to some studies carried out by laboratories authorized … Read more

Head of State commemorates 2 years of the physical disappearance of José “Chino” Khan

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, in a message broadcast on the social network Twitter, commemorated the 2 years since the physical departure of the revolutionary leader José “Chino” Khan, thus extolling his fight for justice and social equality. “Two years after his physical departure, we remember the popular struggles undertaken by our comrade, … Read more

Medicine for the soul by Jessie Cervantes

To speak of Mexico is also to speak of its culture, its colors, its gastronomy and its music, and precisely the latter is the engine that allows humanity to move and remember the reasons why it remains alive. In addition, our country has become the cradle of great artists who, through this art, have left … Read more

These are some of the exercises that relieve knee, hip and foot pain

The knees, hips and feet are fundamental parts for the human being. The knee supports most of the weight of the body when the person is standing, therefore they are made to withstand an enormous amount of pressure. These joints support 80% of the body weight when standing, while for every 4 kilos of fat … Read more

This is how steel was sold – Newspaper Kommersant No. 145 (7346) of 08/11/2022

Metallurgical holding Evraz, which is under UK sanctions, plans to sell the American division, which generates $320 million in EBITDA per year. The company intends to collect applications and enter into negotiations with the British regulator OFSI regarding the approval of the transaction. If the deal goes through, it will be the next in a … Read more

Rehabilitated outpatient clinic in Lara offers pediatric and general medicine services

Pediatrics, family planning and general medicine service offers the type II outpatient clinic in the El Ujano de Barquisimeto sector, in the state of Lara, rehabilitated by the Bolivarian Government. This health center will also offer respiratory triage, vaccination and laboratory services, highlighted a press release from the Lara Governorate, which carried out the renovation … Read more

Mental health abuses under the microscope

The Minister of Health, Fahd bin Abdul Rahman Al-Jalajil, directed the formation of a committee for professional and ethical practices in mental health, from a number of specialists, representatives of health authorities, the General Department of Mental and Social Health in the Ministry, and the Saudi Psychiatric Association, to monitor abuses that occur by practitioners … Read more