EPCA adopts its 2024-2028 strategic plan focused on innovative training –

The Board of Directors of the School of Preparation for Administrative Careers (EPCA), chaired by the Minister of Civil Service, Louise Boukandou Moussavou, adopted its 2024-2028 strategic plan focused on innovative training aimed at stimulating a dynamic performance, not only within the Gabonese administration, but also in public and private companies. The said plan has … Read more

the correction of the tests is going well according to the Minister of Sports and his colleague from the Civil Service –

The Minister of Culture, Youth, Sports and the Arts, Dr André-Jacques Augand, accompanied by his colleague from the public service Louise Boukandou Moussavou, today carried out a field visit to the National Youth Institute and sports (INJS) in order to inquire regarding the good evolution of the level of correction of the entrance exams into … Read more

The EPCA at the time of restoration and performance –

EPCA executives in capacity building seminar © Gabonactu.com Following the vision of restoration of institutions dear to the President of the Transition, President of the Republic, Head of State, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema and under the guidance of the Minister of the Civil Service, Louise Boukandou Moussavou, who advocates performance , the School of … Read more

The entire Attal government

After almost a month of waiting and questions from local elected officials regarding the place that the Attal government will give to communities, the complete casting is finally known. Concerning the communities, the time has come for renewals, even if a few new faces appear. Overview of the main ministers who will be the communities’ … Read more