This is the reason Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar resigned – 2024-03-25 01:18:58

Irish PM Leo Varadkar announced his resignation, Wednesday (30/3).(AFP) Irish PRIME Minister Leo Varadkar, who made history as a gay and biracial leader, resigned on Wednesday (30/3). The reasons are both personal and political. Varadkar also announced he would leave the chairmanship of the centre-right Fine Gael party, part of Ireland’s coalition government. He will … Read more

Boosted Participation and Null Votes: Analysis of Key Factors in Recent Elections

2023-12-18 13:00:24 KEYS | High participation and many null votes The mandatory vote, which was reinstated two elections ago, has boosted the high participation, which in this plebiscite reached 84%. It is a figure similar to the exit plebiscite of the first constitutional process in September 2022 and last May’s election of the Constitutional Council. … Read more

The Historical Dispute of the Essequibo Territory: Venezuela, Guyana, and the Legacy of Colonial Borders

2023-12-09 17:27:05 When Venezuela became independent from Spain in 1811, Essequibo It was part of their territory. In 1814, The United Kingdom acquired British Guiana, some 51,700 square kilometers, through a treaty with the Netherlands that did not define its western border. To 1840, the United Kingdom appointed explorer Robert Schomburgk to define the border. … Read more

Cleb Deputy: Essequibo Territory Belongs to Venezuela – No Referendum Needed

2023-11-12 21:27:08 The Cleb deputy points out that it is clear that the territory belongs to Venezuela and it does not necessarily have to go to a consultative referendum for that recognition. Zaida Vahlis, coordinator of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) in the state of Bolívar, points out that the position of defense of the … Read more

The Rise of Les Engagés: A Center-Right Political Movement in France

2023-10-03 10:18:49 Crucke: “The MR is a right-wing party, like the Republicans in France” By BJ Jean-Luc Crucke, who moved from MR to Engagés last February, likes to point out: it is rare for a minister who doesn’t drag around to resign because he is no longer in phase with his party president. However, this … Read more

Poland’s Referendum on Accepting Illegal Immigrants: Latest Updates and Analysis on Patriot News Now

2023-08-13 21:09:25 Warsaw Poland is set to hold a referendum to see if people support accepting illegal immigrants from Africa and the Middle East. The move is in line with the European Union’s plan to resettle migrants. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is planning to hold a referendum when the parliamentary elections are to be held … Read more

In Niger the junta asks for the postponement of a visit by ECOWAS, AU and the UN

2023-08-08 20:33:23 Published on : 08/08/2023 – 22:33 Less than 48 hours from the new summit of ECOWAS heads of state in Abuja, Nigeria, the Nigerien junta is seeking to strengthen its positions. She appointed a civilian prime minister, met unions and Nigerian politicians. At the same time, she asked for a postponement of the … Read more