Maduro spoke about the income of pensioners

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Madurolast Friday, July 12, 2024, spoke regarding the income of pensioners. In this sense, during a day of the National Council of Productive EconomyThe president stated that the monetary income of pensioners nationwide has recovered to an “important level.” Improvements for pensioners’ income “We are going for more, we are … Read more

When do they pay the Financial Battle Bonus for pensioners with a brand new quantity? That is what is understood

For the week between June 20 and 27, the fee of the Bonus In opposition to the Financial Battle is predicted to be activated for IVSS pensioners. Nevertheless, presently it’s 1,098 bolivars, which, on the alternate fee, is equal to 30 {dollars}. Likewise, he highlighted that throughout the week the Patria Platform can be activating … Read more

Newest Advances in Geriatric Therapy

2024-06-13 23:00:00 It’s recognized that hydrotherapy therapies are acknowledged by the medical neighborhood and are a part of the therapies lined by Social Safety. It’s prescribed by a health care provider and follows a plan acceptable for the situation being handled. A number of research have confirmed the effectiveness of thermal water therapies and their … Read more

Every little thing that you must know

2024-05-27 23:00:00 Magnesium retains seniors energetic The advantages of magnesium are acknowledged by the medical neighborhood, and for good cause: This mineral promotes the upkeep of physique capabilities. he’s Associated to mobile vitality manufacturing. As well as, magnesium is concerned in additional than 300 enzyme reactions. Due to this fact, it helps guarantee Bone, Muscle … Read more

Most Affordable Cities for Working Adults and Retirees: Find the Best Place to Live for You

2023-11-27 15:01:25 Sean Pavone / Getty Images/iStockphoto Location, location, location! Its importance cannot be overstated. Where you live can boost or weaken the strength of your dollar. Florida’s Retirees Are Fleeing: Here’s Where They’re Going InsteadFind Out: 3 Ways To Recession-Proof Your Retirement You may be wondering which city is the best for your financial … Read more

Bonus of 55 thousand pesos for Anses retirees and pensioners: when is it collected

2023-11-30 13:01:40 Days ago, the Government formalized the granting of a $55,000 bonus for retirees and pensioners who charge the minimum salary. It will be paid in December 2023. The benefit also includes beneficiaries of the Universal Pension for the Older Adult (PUAM), non-contributory pensions for old age, disability, mothers of seven sons or daughters … Read more

Which retirements and pensions will receive the reinforcement bonus of 55 thousand pesos in December 2023

2023-11-28 12:51:40 The National Government formalized the granting of a income booster of $55,000 for retirees and pensioners which will be paid in December 2023. In parallel, Anses also formalized the new increase for retirements, pensions and different assignments. It will be 20.87% and will reach almost 17 million of Argentines and Argentines starting in … Read more

Driving and Medication: Understanding Pictograms and Risks for Road Safety

2023-11-28 00:00:00 In its new information campaign, the Road Safety Delegation recommends above all to pay attention, before hitting the road, to the warning pictogram which may be present on the box of the medicine you have taken. The Road Safety Delegation emphasizes that currently “ knowledge of pictograms to make users aware of the … Read more