Understanding How to Calculate Income Tax Along with a Complete Guide for Taxpayers – 2024-07-15 11:54:17

Confused regarding calculating income tax? Here is a complete guide for taxpayers. (Doc.MI) INCOME TAX is an obligation imposed on every individual or business entity based on the income received. In Indonesia, Income Tax (PPh) Article 21 is a type of tax imposed on income received by employees from employers. PPh rates for individual taxpayers … Read more

Easy Way to Create Taxpayer Identification Number NPWP Online – 2024-07-15 03:06:46

NPWP registration is now easier with online services provided by the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP). Here’s how. (Antara) TALKING regarding taxes, of course everyone is required to have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP). NPWP is an identity given to taxpayers as an identification in carrying out their rights and obligations in the field of … Read more

declare within the Seniat

The contribution should be made via the Web, so the state company supplied a number of suggestions to hold out the method efficiently. The Nationwide Built-in Customs and Tax Administration Service (Seniat) revealed a information to declare the contribution to the Pension Safety Legislation. The directions present the steps to declare the contribution of 9% … Read more

See if you won 50,000 euros 2024-02-28 22:08:20

Specifically, this is the 27th draw and concerns the transactions that were carried out electronically and cleared in February. The January online transaction tax lottery wins €50,000, while the prizes are now tiered and the amounts are non-confiscatable and tax-free. To see the lucky winners click here To see if you are one of the … Read more

UBS buys Credit Suisse for CHF 2 billion

Zurich, Frankfurt The struggle for the future of Credit Suisse is over: UBS takes over the second largest Swiss bank. The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is supporting the emergency merger with liquidity assistance amounting to CHF 100 billion, as the government, financial regulator and the two banks announced in a joint press conference. UBS pays … Read more

Xinjiang has achieved 25.92 billion yuan in tax rebates, six industries have benefited significantly_Taxpayers_Enterprises_Tax

2022-06-04 20:53 source:bortara Original title: Xinjiang has achieved a tax rebate of 25.92 billion yuan and six industries have benefited significantly Tianshan Net-Xinjiang Daily News (Reported by Shi Xinfeng) Since the implementation of the State Council’s new combined tax and fee support policy on April 1, up to now, Xinjiang has refunded 25.92 billion yuan … Read more

Guangdong: Big data empowers tax refund dividends to directly benefit Guangdong enterprises_Enterprise_Taxpayer_Department

Original title: Guangdong: Big data empowers tax rebate dividends to directly benefit Guangdong enterprises Information Times (reporter)Liang Haixiang correspondentYue Ruixuan)On April 1, the large-scale tax refund policy was officially implemented, and many companies submitted tax refund applications to the tax authorities and enjoyed the state’s tax refund “gift package”. The Guangdong tax department has shifted … Read more