The anguish that Kohei Uchimura’s wife continued to have … The problem of a wife-in-law with a “mother who can’t leave her child” that had emerged before the divorce of Mobbing | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

Kohei Uchimura at the Rio Olympics (Photo: JMPA)

January 19th,gymnasticsplayer·Kohei Uchimura“Mobbing”divorceThe trouble was reported in “Bungei Online”. Uchimura just held a retirement interview on the 14th.

According to media reports, Uchimura announced his intention to divorce his wife, Chiho, in November last year, and left home while his family was absent.

The Uchimura family married Chiho, who was a junior of the Nippon Sport Science University Gymnastics Club in 2012, and the eldest daughter was born the following year, and the second daughter was born in 2015. However, it seems that the marital relationship was not good.

According to the article, even if Chiho prepared a meal, Uchimura often ordered pizza and beef bowl for himself, saying, “I ordered Uber.” Chiho continues to feel mobbed and is mentally driven. It is reported that he has lost weight to 33 kg.

It is said that Chiho’s hardship began long ago. In the September 1, 2016 issue of “Josei Seven,” “Kouhei Uchimura’s mother is blatantly dismissed! It was titled “Cold Summer Frustrated Daughter-in-law Battle” and reported on the relationship between Chiho and Uchimura’s mother, Shuko.

According to the article, at the All Japan Gymnastics Championships held in 2013, Chiho and Shuko were sitting in separate seats and had almost no conversation. It was said that they were disjointed when they returned.

At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Ms. Shuko rushed to the site to support her. However, the banner stating “I’m watching over you from my family” was displayed at the venue, and there were pictures of Shuko, Uchimura’s father, Kazuhisa, my sister Kasuga, and my dog, but Chiho and her two daughters. It is said that there was no figure of.

“Speaking of Shuko, she is known as a” famous mom “who wraps her Hinomaru headband at Uchimura’s match venue and swings her pigtails to cheer her on. Was famous.

Partly because of his appearance in the media, he appeared in “Shikujiri Sensei” (TV Asahi) in November 2015 as a “mother who can’t leave her child”.

He confessed that he was collecting Uchimura’s hair and nails at one point, and surprised the studio by saying, “I was born and everything is mine.” When Uchimura decided to move to Tokyo at the age of 15, he also revealed that he cried a lot.

For that reason, there were voices that were worried about the relationship between the bride and wife. “(Entertainment journalist)

Uchimura is about to retire in March. Will he be able to talk about the uproar by then?


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