The bronchiolitis epidemic has reached its peak, hospitalizations are decreasing

According to Santé Publique France, the indicators seem to show a drop in cases in the majority of regions.

While the health authorities have placed the country in red alert for fluthe bronchiolitis epidemic is experiencing a slowdown.

In its weekly bulletin, Santé Publique France nevertheless indicates that it is continuing at a high level in mainland France as well as in Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique and Mayotte, but notes “a reduction in visits to emergencies and hospitalizations after going to the emergency room”. Concluding that this finding indicates “the very probable passage of the peak of the epidemic which occurred in week 48”.

A decrease in most regions

In detail, Santé Publique France notes a decrease in indicators in the majority of regions, a stabilization in Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Corsica, Guadeloupe and Martinique, as well as a continued increase in Mayotte. In week 49, hospitalizations for bronchiolitis still represent half of hospitalizations for the sixth consecutive week, following a visit to the emergency room in children under 2 years of age in metropolitan France.

Of the 6626 children under 2 years old seen in the emergency room for bronchiolitis at week 49, 6062 (91%) were under 1 year old and 2462 (37%) were hospitalized. Of the 2,462 children hospitalized, 2,357 (96%) were under 1 year old.

When to worry?

Remember that it is prudent to consult your doctor quickly, if your child is embarrassed to breathe or if he has difficulty eating or suckling. The healthcare professional will then examine your child for signs of seriousness and prescribe the necessary care. In some cases, respiratory physiotherapy sessions may be prescribed. It is best to contact 15 quickly if the child is in one of the following cases: He is less than six weeks old; it is a former premature infant less than three months old; he already has an identified respiratory or cardiac disease; he drinks less than half of his bottles at three consecutive meals; he vomits systematically; he sleeps constantly, or on the contrary, cries in an unusual way and cannot fall asleep.

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