Concepción Dancausa, Minister of Social Policy.

© Editorial Unit, SA
Concepción Dancausa, Minister of Social Policy.

The Community of Madrid notified the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office 84 times about the escapes and absences from the protection centers of three of the minors under guardianship who were hooked on drugs and prostituted by a network of pimps. According to sources from the Madrid Executive, given their continuous disappearances, they addressed communications and complaints to the Prosecutor’s Office, the courts and several of them to the Group of Minors of the National Police (Grume). In addition, about one of these three protected prostituted minors, The regional government filed three complaints in the last 15 months: on September 25, 2020, February 18, 2021 and September 1 of last year, the latter very important for the Police, related to serious sexual abuse of an adolescent under guardianship. They also add the same fonts as the Ministry of Social Policy was very attentive to the situation of one of the minors despite the obstacles suffered. Thus, in October 2021 they urged the Prosecutor’s Office and the judge to extend the deprivation of leaving the center for one of the minor victims. It was about a girl who constantly escaped from the facilities to go to the towns and houses of the mafia to consume drugs and be forced into prostitution. When he returned to the center, he was in poor physical condition and had venereal diseases. The Prosecutor’s Office replied to the Ministry of Family, Youth and Social Policy about this request for extension of restrictions that was not its competence, while the judge is still waiting for a response. The police operation culminated at the end of November with the arrest of 37 people and the release of the ten girls. And it was released to the media at the beginning of this month of January after the secrecy of the summary was lifted. In addition, the Community of Madrid has not yet received the approval of the Court of Instruction number 9 of Madrid, which has the judicial investigation of the 10 minors released by a network of pimps, to appear as popular accusation in the court case. As sources from the regional government have informed Europa Press, on January 9 they officially requested this appearance, but the judge has not yet accepted it. Therefore, they complain that they still do not have direct official communication about the content of the summary, in which several minors under guardianship and who lived in centers in the Community of Madrid appear as victims of the plot. The department headed by Concepción Dancausa has reviewed all the files of the juvenile centers and has verified that last year they presented more than 5,000 communications and complaints of absences of wards to the Prosecutor’s Office for Minors, Courts and State Security Forces and Bodies. “The Community has done its job, since from the centers the corresponding entities are notified of the absences of minors and of any anomalous situation,” the same sources insist. As of December 31, the region had 3,714 minors with protection measures assumed by the Community, 2,263 of which, 60% of the total, are in different types of foster care. The rest, 1,451 minors live in the 102 centers that the Community of Madrid has, which have 1,880 places. The Autonomous Budgets approved for 2022 set 115 million euros for its maintenance, 20% more than last year.