The greatest danger of all.. Khosta and Corona marry

After discovering a virus similar to the Corona virus found in Russian bats that can infect humans, scientists have warned that the new virus consortium called “…Khosta 2“With the Corona virus, it may pose a great danger.

A study prepared by researchers at Washington State University showed that the chance of the Corona virus meeting Khosta-2 in nature is very small, but they confirmed that this scenario is the worst if it happens, and that it is one of the things they think about when trying to prevent the next pandemic from happening again.

In addition, the researchers found that “Khosta-2” is present in Russian horseshoe bats capable of using the same receptor (ACE2) that SARS-CoV-2 uses to enter human cells.

Interestingly, the virus is resistant to the antibodies of people who have been vaccinated against the Corona virus.genengnews“.

However, the possibility of the new virus causing disease in humans is unknown, according to the study.

“No epidemic”

The virus will not cause a pandemic once it infects human cells, said Michael Letko, an assistant professor at Washington State University who led the study.

He also explained that “Khosta-2” was discovered in an animal that is not a bat in 2021, noting that it was not found again in any other animal or human.

Corona – expression

“To be fair, though, there aren’t many researchers looking for Sarpicviruses in animals other than bats in Russia at the moment.”

But the researchers said their findings underscore the need to develop vaccines with broader protection against SARPs.

Fears of his union with Corona

Letko explained that their biggest concern is the recombination or crossbreeding between Khosta-2 and Corona, given that SARS-CoV-2 and Khosta-2 are genetically similar enough that they are called Sarpic viruses and can infect the same types of cells using the same mechanisms.

He also suggested that it might be possible to recombine them in a way that would make the SARS-CoV-2 virus resistant to the vaccine.

genetic expression viruses

genetic expression viruses

It is noteworthy that “Khosta 2” is from the same family as the Corona virus, but it is completely resistant to existing vaccines against the virus, according to what the “Science Alert” website confirmed.

According to the site, the new respiratory virus that was discovered among bats, is covered with “spike” proteins, and it can infect human cells just like SARS-Cove-2.

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