The outbreak of the epidemic in China, Xi finally spoke, and the officials were confused? | COVID-19 | ) CCP Virus | Xi Jinping |

[Voice of Hope December 27, 2022](Interview and report by our reporter Liang Xin)Since the outbreak of the CCP virus (COVID-19, Wuhan pneumonia) in 2019, Xi Jinping, the general secretary of the Communist Party of China, has “personally commanded and personally deployed” the “dynamic clearing” policy of “when it appears, it will disappear”. After that, it stopped suddenly, turned 180 degrees, and now gave new instructions.

On the 26th, Xi Jinping made his first public speech on the new policy. He said, “The prevention and control of the new crown epidemic is facing new situations and new tasks, and we must carry out more targeted patriotic health campaigns” to effectively protect the lives and health of the people. It also said that we must give full play to our organizational advantages and mass mobilization advantages.

According to Xinhua News Agency’s report on the same day, Xi Jinping made the above important instructions on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the “Patriotic Sanitation Campaign”.

On the 27th, Li Yuanhua, an expert on Chinese history, told Voice of Hope that it was empty talk; it seemed that the epidemic was caused by people not paying attention to hygiene. He said: “It’s not the same thing at all. In the current epidemic situation, the government should introduce policies and emergency measures. If there are none, just talk regarding sports! The Communist Party loves to talk regarding sports and struggle.”

“Actually, the subordinates didn’t want to understand him, because the task everyone has received now is to have a comprehensive and as soon as possible. According to their design, following the test is over, it seems that the society will enter a normal society, and then the economy will return to normal. , this is the current setting of the CCP.”

Li Keqiang issued instructions at the meeting, saying that “the current optimization and adjustment measures for the prevention and control of the new crown epidemic are being implemented in an orderly manner.”

Zheng Haochang, a current affairs commentator in the United States, believes that officials probably do not understand Xi Jinping’s patriotic health instructions. He told Voice of Hope, “It’s a bit like two people meeting each other and not knowing what to say, one of them just said haha ​​and said the weather is really nice today!”

“Xi Jinping actually doesn’t know how to deal with this predicament. He deliberately talks regarding it in a way that bury his head in the sand. However, Li Keqiang’s instructions are more realistic, and he mentioned the difficulty of buying medicine and seeing a doctor. The biggest pain point of current public grievances.”

After the CCP authorities lifted the “dynamic zeroing” policy, it was reported within two weeks that the infection rate of the epidemic in China was spreading like a blowout. The emergency departments of hospitals around the world are overcrowded and overcrowded, and medical equipment is seriously insufficient; at the same time, mass deaths occur.

On the 26th, a video posted on the Internet showed a long queue of hundreds of people in a funeral home in Guangzhou, which was shocking.

However, the epidemic data released by the National Health Commission and the figures issued by local authorities can be tens of thousands of times different. For example, the authorities of Zhejiang Province recently announced that there are regarding 1 million new COVID-19 cases in the province every day; on the 24th, the National Health Commission of the Communist Party of China announced that the number of newly diagnosed cases in Zhejiang was only 30, and the difference between the two data was 33,000 times.

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On Sunday, the National Health and Medical Commission announced in a one-sentence announcement that from now on, the daily information on the CCP virus epidemic will no longer be released, and the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention will release relevant epidemic information for reference and research.

Li Yuanhua analyzed: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has completely let go! The CCP has always been concerned regarding the stability and instability of the regime. The central government has never figured out how to continue to use lies to deceive the people. Now this lie does not know how to make it up. It’s really not a good idea to deceive people with a high-sounding appearance! Rather than this, so let’s not talk regarding it for now.”

In addition, the authorities have only reported 7 deaths due to COVID-19 since the loosening of the “clearing” epidemic prevention measures on the 7th. Where no figures were given.

Zheng Haochang emphasized: “There are precedents for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and local governments to be inconsistent in terms of statistical data, such as GDP, but this time there is such a big gap between the central and local epidemic data, which is unprecedented.”

Li Yuanhua pointed out that the core factor is that the Chinese Communist Party has no humanity. “Without a bit of moral conscience, you can do something like this, and you can explain why the Communist Party has changed its policy so much, and why it is indifferent when it comes to such a big epidemic.”

“Officials at all levels are in the mechanism of the Communist Party, which dehumanizes people. The so-called party spirit is, no matter how I order you, no matter how harmful it is, you will be a good cadre if you follow my instructions, you will be promoted, and you will benefit ;The influence of the people is what the central government says, if you don’t object, you can live, if you object, you will be killed.”

Editor in charge: Lin Li

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