The two daughters of “Som Cheng Samcha” admit that they have a boyfriend as a tom. Mother’s side is not abrasive

nowadays being LGBTQ orLGBT It’s not something new in society. It’s called being accepted more and more. Even many people in the entertainment industry Still gradually revealing his true identity to fans and the public. and two new members who recently announced themselves as LGBTQ are: Little Yok, Little Kim daughterBoth of the famous female comedians “Somchang Samcha” After all 3 people have come out on the show, SHOW, they open their hearts completely without shell. why same sex And how much is accepted by the mother?

Do your children have boyfriends?
Orange : I can have it at the age of 30.Married. I don’t want to use the word boyfriend. use the word companion I’m worried about you. I don’t know if I’m going to be right or not. If you are in a relationship with someone, don’t love others more than you love yourself. I want to love many people, look at many people. Don’t get stuck with one person, we choose.

If there is a partner, will you bring me to meet your mother?
Jade: I’m only addicted to it, I don’t have it. There used to be a person in the neighborhood next to the house. I’m often at the shop. I went to eat and told this person. That day my mother showed up at the shop.
Somcheng : We showed up to look, but there were all women. He is a woman who loves both women.

Little Yok just broke your heart?
Jade: How are you? More incompatible. mismatched attitude Did your mom send a line to the liquor store to see mom? If it’s poured, then come this way.
Somchang : We know that you are heartbroken. But he went to eat Shabu with friends. We look at the picture that our children must be sad.
Kim : I have a partner. I slowly let my mother absorb.

Somcheng : When the child is gone, asks where he is and says he is in Siam. and stay with this person We absorb that this person is definitely a partner and one day I have the opportunity to meet. He was a cute girl. We feel happy.

How does your daughter feel about both women?
Som Cheng : One day, the boy brought the man into the house. Definitely a fan But one day the child brought a woman home. It’s definitely his partner. Analyze which one we are more comfortable with. As mothers, we love our children. We can only feed him. which one is his happiness is our happiness If he wants to change, it makes us happy and selfish.
Jade : My old partner said that I felt sorry for my mother and had two children with Tom. Mom said don’t feel sorry for me. I like this.

Are there any signs that your child is LGBT?
Som Cheng : Since the beginning of school, all girls Friends will tell you to be careful. If there is no tom to flirt with, the child will be a tom. Both women are now at peace. But secretly afraid because his friend Tom’s son was broken by Tom’s heart. Don’t cut your hair short. You can’t go into the house. You can’t be a tom.

Until a certain age, may change back?
Somcheng : This is important. Every step of life is learning. Today he learned like this. He was happy. One day it meets someone who feels right. Or one day I haven’t met anyone and still be in a relationship like this, it’s right for him, we accept.

Is there a man to flirt with?
Jade : Well, a lot of people like to dm but they don’t reply. didn’t look at sex at all

I have a partner and come to consult my mother. Do you give advice?
Som Cheng: He’s pure with this kind of thing. He knew this person and dated this person. One day he found out that another woman went to kiss his girlfriend. He never met like this How will you cope? Ask me if I’m beautiful Are you a good person? look over If you go jealous, show that woman your beauty and goodness will be instantly inferior. I have to stay cool. If he goes to poke and then we go up, he will poke even more. We will become that woman’s toy. If we just do it, they can’t touch it.

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