The worst habits that harm heart health.. stay away from them

Prepare heart health Good blood vessels are fundamental to overall good health and to do that, you may need to break some bad habits. In this report, we present the worst habits for your heart health. good help“.

The worst habits for your heart health

Sitting for long periods

Sitting for too long has been linked to cognitive decline, weakness, and an increased risk of death, so it’s important to get your heart beating during regular exercise.

Doctors recommend about 150 minutes a week of high-intensity physical activity.

Break that into 40 minutes every two or four days a week.

staying up late

Exercise isn’t the only measure of keeping your heart healthy. It is also important to get enough sleep every night. Doctors recommend getting a full seven to nine hours each night.

Most people likely don’t get enough sleep, which can lead to higher stress levels, high blood pressure, and even heart rhythm problems in people with sleep apnea.

If you wake up feeling sleepy during the day or feel like you need a couple of cups of coffee, you probably aren’t getting enough rest.

stay tense

It’s also important to take time to de-stress Staying stressed can increase blood pressure and heart rate, which, over time, can lead to heart attack, stroke, and other serious damage.

To reduce stress, take time for yourself and find ways to relax. Give yourself complete calm every day, even if only for a few minutes. Do deep breathing exercises and meditation or just get outside to enjoy nature.

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