They denounce that Russian troops use rape as a “tool of war”

After ripping off Juan Grabois, Luis D’Elía harshly criticized Máximo Kirchner. He compared him to Ricardo Alfonsín, son of the former radical president, and assured: “Máximo Kirchner does not have the density, stature and political volume of his father.”

“Just as Ricardo Alfonsin does not have the density, stature, and political volume of Raul Alfonsin, Máximo Kirchner does not have the density, stature, and political volume of his father,” the picketer wrote.

“Ricardo was never given the spaces at the UCR because he is the ‘son of’ that we give to Máximo in the Frente de Todos,” concluded D’Elía.

Hours before, from the Plaza de Mayo (where he arrived accompanied by judge Juan Ramos Padilla), he had already made reference to the camperista leader: “It is a shame that on March 24, Máximo embraces Grabois, a partner and friend of Pepin Simón “.

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