This is the new technology for fish tanks – 2024-04-14 23:26:42

There is a wide variety of products that can already be found in the country for this purpose, among them, automatic feeders, which release the exact daily ration of food for the fish, ideal for people who may forget to feed them or who will go on a trip, indicates José Daniel López Chen, zootechnist, specialized in exotic species, from Noah’s Ark. These devices allow you to program the frequency and amount of food.

López Chen remembers that they should be fed only once a day and, preferably, fasting once a week. If they are overfed, they are at risk of becoming overweight or swim bladder syndrome.

With water filtration systems canister y sump It is not necessary to break the glass to place them, as they are easy to mount outside, and they have suction and return hoses that contribute to better maintenance of the fish tank and the quality of the water, to purify it and return it as clean as possible.

López Chen remembers that You should remove 30% of the water from the fish tank every week, renew it with new water and apply antichlorine and conditioner. Likewise, change 50% of the water once a month, in order to reduce nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and ammonium.

Automatic fish feeder (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

There are also magnetic glass cleaners, They work this way: people place the cleaning sponge on the inside of the fish tank, with a magnet, and from the outside, a pad slides the cleaning material along the walls of the fish tank, so there is no need to insert the sponge. hand.

Automatic fish tank siphoning machines allow food and feces waste to be sucked out. that accumulate at the bottom, when the water is changed. Previously, this action was done with a hose using suction with the mouth, which is unhygienic.

The ultraviolet ray emitters help reduce the bacterial load in the enclosure, which generates bad odor and decomposition of the water.

Magnetic fish tank cleaner. (Free Press Photo, Shutterstock)

LED type fish tank lighting with timer It turns off and turns on when warranted, to provide fish with adequate light cycles. López Chen remembers that fish must have light exposure for six to eight hours dailyin order to promote their good health, reproduction and well-being.

There are measuring devices, electronic and manual, for pH concentration and other water parameters, to know if it is in adequate condition or if replacement parts need to be made. The pH of the fish tank should be neutral with low levels of ammonia, nitrites and phosphates. There are also digital temperature meters with probes, which can be connected to a thermostat to provide the ideal temperature, depending on the species of fish.

LED lighting for fish tanks. (Free Press Photo: Shutterstock)

Finally, they should be provided with hiding places such as caves or castles, so they can take refuge if they feel stressed or threatened. López Chen advises that the stone placed at the bottom be 4 cm thick, and that it is natural, not dyed, since these dyes poison the fish.

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