To pay respect and give up. ‘Doctor Thirawat’ asked to stop believing in ‘a set of pills’ that healed quickly, pointing to steroids. shock to death

To pay respect, he agreed. ‘Doctor Thirawat’ asked to stop believing in ghost drugs. flax steroids shock to death

on Dr. Teerawat Hemajuta Director of the Center for Emerging Health Sciences Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University, or “Dordea” posted on Facebook. Thirawat Hemachutha Thiravat Hemachudha About the dangers of misusing steroid drugs and pass on false beliefs that disappears quickly In fact, it poses a great danger, stating that

“You have to know steroids well. Shock to death from ghost pills, herbs.

stubborn doctor

Steroids are natural human hormones. work from the midbrain down to the pituitary gland Regulate the adrenal glands to produce in moderation. control the balance of the body When there is physical or mental stress, for example, there is an emergency crisis. have an infection The body produces several times higher amounts of steroids to sustain life. and limit the inflammation to not be too severe will control the body to be durable maintain blood pressure Control inflammation until treatment with antiseptic. until returning to normal Steroid hormones will return to their original place. and also regulate the balance of the body both immune levels and adjust mineral salt levels in conjunction with kidney function that is used to eat Injections are used to relieve symptoms. causing pain and pain caused by inflammation, such as knee pain, aches and pains, disappear completely

Since steroids can reduce inflammation, pain, and fever, it has been misused. Widely used for quick recovery, whether it is knee pain, joint pain, aches, both used alone or in combination with other painkillers as a set of drugs such as NSAIDs (Ensed, for example, voltaren brufen), etc., causing enormous side effects. Hemorrhage of the stomach, perforation of the stomach, is a medical condition for renal failure. Steroids are life-saving drugs. Useful in the treatment of disease control Inflammation caused by allergies and autoimmune diseases, such as Pumpuang or SLE, where the immune system warns. Instead of going through germs, they destroy their own body, head to toe, hair loss, rashes, heart, lungs, liver, kidney inflammation, joint swelling.

It is also used in many other non-infectious inflammatory diseases. like rheumatoid arthritis However, the use must be carefully controlled in terms of dosage, method of use, duration, as well as knowing the side effects and complications. May irritate the stomach, bloated face, droopy neck, acne, insomnia, but must weigh the benefits and harm is to be more than side effects which when gradually stopping the drug gradually These side effects will gradually subside.

The major problem lies in the continued use of steroids for several weeks or more. will cause the automatic system from the brain to pass through the adrenal glands to change lazy adrenal glands The body will only use steroids obtained from oral administration. which, when stopped suddenly, will be dangerous The blood pressure dropped to the point of shock. or when there is an emergency such as infection, physical stress, where the body now needs steroid levels many times higher than usual in order to survive It wasn’t as it should have been. Therefore, patients who have already received steroids from the doctor to treat the disease. when there is an emergency The doctor will increase the level as appropriate.

a national crisis region and our neighboring countries now and for many decades until more and more is taking steroids intentionally or unintentionally It is added to medicines for fever, pain relief, anti-inflammatory, or in the form of herbal supplements, which actually act as a steroid. However, the miracle effect will be seen immediately, the sickness disappears, the fever disappears, but if the fever is caused by an infectious disease Symptoms will improve for a moment. and the germs will spread to the organs into the bloodstream until death

These products are used continuously for weeks or months. It suppresses the natural functioning to high and low levels as needed. when there is an emergency such as heart disease Minor infectious disease that is not serious This can lead to hypotension to shock (adrenal crisis).

Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has continued to announce Even though our doctors are already aware of this condition but in a hospital in the northeast A single hospital in two years (2013–2014) had more than 80 confirmed cases of shock (Journal of Tropical Doctor), and there may be more. because if an infectious disease is already insidious Shock from steroid insufficiency Plus the shock from the infection will intensify even more. From what the doctor talks to the younger generation in another province in the northeast in September this year I encountered a situation like this as well.

According to a survey in our Vocational Research Leadership Program, where Dr. Daugh is the project leader, funded by the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), these shock patients do not need to have face swelling, obesity, and low sugar. in the blood mineral salt variations or have some type of white blood cell (eosinophil) as it appears in the textbook This may be due to taking a moderate amount of steroids for a long time. But it certainly prevents the adrenal glands from functioning and refuses to “save” us in a crisis.

The doctor asked us health personnel to help us monitor. and prohibit the use of “phantom drugs” or “herbs” that may contain these steroid contaminants and realized that the shock might be caused by taking a ghost pill, a series of pills that suppress the function of the adrenal glands will be able to provide treatment in a timely manner

Request to NSTDA, Ministry of Science Expand on the results of our small research survey and the numerous reports at Brothers and sisters, doctors in the country reported it. to join with the Ministry of Health Ministry of Education incite to eliminate these poisons Don’t care that research has to be published world-class. Organizations must be ranked internationally. Reinforced work to save lives and health should come first.

Imagine if almost half of the Thai people had adrenal atrophy not working. When there are germs, even if they are not aggressive Instead, he had to go to the hospital to die, although it shouldn’t have happened. Like I said before. Please ask the ministry and the office to move in the system. I will let the doctor pay respects.

Stubborn doctor

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