To prevent corona.. foods that threaten your immune system, beware

The body’s immunity is not built in one day, but is strengthened over time with the help of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Corona colds and flu, which is why practices such as quitting smoking, sleeping 7-8 hours a day, focusing on a high-protein diet, exercising, and increasing your daily water intake are common expert suggestions for strengthening the immune system, but what are the Which should you avoid? According to the website, indianexpress“.

Processed foods

A study stated that diets high in salt and sugar are associated with risks of chronic diseases and autoimmune diseases. Sweetened milk, soft drinks, and foods that can be heated in the microwave.

Foods that contain carbohydrates

Foods that are high in refined carbohydrates such as white flour, white rice, crackers, cakes and bread made with white flour are associated with increased inflammation and oxidative stress. Try to limit your intake..

artificial sweeteners

Multiple studies indicate that consuming certain artificial sweeteners and additives used to extend the shelf life of foodstuffs alters the composition of gut bacteria, increases inflammation in the gut, and impairs the immune response..

Instead, eat vegetables and fruits like mushrooms, papaya, tomatoes, sweet peppers and green vegetables like broccoli and spinach that are high in beta-carotene, ascorbic acid and other vitamins Ginger, turmeric are some of the common and natural immune-boosting foods you can count on, as well as flaxseeds. Basil leaves, black seed and watermelon seeds, yogurt and fermented foods are also a great choice because they rejuvenate the formation of gut bacteria..

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