Top Habits to Slow Down Aging and Maintain Youthful Skin

2023-06-19 00:28:12

Clinically, aging is defined as a natural and gradual process experienced by all people, without exception. In this process, a series of biological, psychological and social changes occur.

It is worth mentioning that these changes also include the reduction of cell function and capacity for regeneration, the accumulation of DNA damage, decreased production of hormones and low efficiency of the immune system.

In the same way, it is necessary to emphasize that aging is not a uniform process for all human beings, since the speed of this natural process can vary according to genetic factors, lifestyle, health conditions, environment, among others. .

In this sense, it is vitally important to emphasize that there are some negative habits in particular that can affect health and accelerate aging. According to the digital platform Medina Clinicthese are:

1. Consumption of saturated, processed and sugar fats. “Excessive consumption of fats and sugars, like processed ones, affect the production of collagen and elastin due to low-quality proteins, and accelerate aging, causing the appearance of wrinkles, expression lines and sagging. Therefore, avoid the consumption of ultra-processed foods (pizzas, hamburgers, bag snacks), sausages, industrial pastries, soft drinks and soft drinks.. Instead, include fruit, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and fish in your diet,” he says.

2. Lack of hydration. Hydration is one of the most important factors in anyone’s life. Sufficient water consumption is of vital importance for the body to remain strong and healthy. If the hydration is not complete, the skin renewal process is greatly affected, so wrinkles appear prematurely.

3. Consumption of alcohol and tobacco. “Alcohol intake causes fluid retention and dehydrates the skin. For his part, Tobacco affects circulation, interferes with the oxygenation and nutrition of cells, something necessary for the rejuvenation of skin cells. If you don’t smoke, try not to expose yourself to cigarette smoke. Both factors accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes, even from a young age”.

4. Sedentary lifestyle. The regular practice of physical activity is also another important item that every person should take into account. The skin is one of the organs that is most benefited by exercise. If sedentary lifestyle prevails, cell regeneration slows down. The recommendation of health professionals is to exercise at least three times a week.

5. Exposing yourself to the sun without protector. “Exposing the skin to UV rays without protection damages healthy cells and, in addition to accelerating aging, increases the risk of developing skin cancer. The daily use of sunscreen is one of the essential measures to prevent premature aging.

7. Lack of sleep. “While we sleep, processes occur that help reduce the aggressions suffered by the tissues during the day, Therefore, sleeping less than 7-8 hours a day affects skin oxygenation and favors the appearance of premature wrinkles, pimples, bags and dark circles, and flaccidity”.

8. High stress levels. High levels of stress prevent the skin from regenerating at a normal speed, which causes it to become dehydrated and lose its firmness.

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