Tragic Incident: 42-year-old Man Shot and Killed While Cutting Tree Branches in Florida

2023-09-19 11:45:02

A 42-year-old neighbor was tragically killed while cutting down tree branches. The incident happened in Florida. Brian Ford, 42, cut down the trees next to the fence after branches grew into the yard and became a nuisance to his neighbor. Enraged, 78-year-old neighbor Edward Drusolowski opened fire.

He was arrested on a charge of second degree murder. The shooting happened on Sunday. The police reached the spot after receiving a complaint that several gunshots were heard from nearby. According to the police, the 78-year-old shot the middle-aged man after accusing him of trespassing.

Health workers who arrived as per the instructions of the police provided him with first aid but could not save the 42-year-old’s life. According to the authorities, the 78-year-old man was shot when he did not yield despite being threatened with a gun. But his wife responded to the police saying that the 78-year-old shot the neighbor to scare him. Eduard Drusolowski’s wife explains that the first two rounds of the gun, which uses six waves, are not searched for safety reasons. Eduard Drusolowski’s wife called the police for help when her neighbor was shot.

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Eduard Drusolowski’s wife claims that the neighbor was verbally abusive when he asked the neighbor not to cut down the tree and to move off their property. Edward Drusolowski’s wife told the police that the 42-year-old challenged the 78-year-old, who has bone loss disease, and took the gun out of danger to scare the neighbor.

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