Ukrainian woman who ran away with family man became blind – People – Culture

While the war between Russia and Ukraine continues, social networks have known the story of Sofiia Karkadym, the 22-year-old Ukrainian refugee who fled with Tony Garnetta father of a family, who is now facing a health problem.

This event began with Lorna, a 28-year-old British woman who shared her story with the media after being abandoned by her husband. She revealed some intimacies about the sentimental conflict she was experiencing: the Ukrainian whom he had sheltered in his home was now in a relationship with Tony.

Beginning of the new affair

Sofiia traveled on May 4, 2022 to live with Tony and Lorna, a marriage that lasted eight years, from which two daughters aged three and six were born in West Yorkshire, England.

Anthony Garnett owns a security company in a National Health Service center, where, according to ‘The Sun’, the relationship with the young woman began to grow and they mutually connected.

In addition, the British said that, as the days went by, late at night, when she and her daughters were sleeping, the two of them took advantage of the time watching television to get closer. “He set his sights on Anthony from the beginning”he explained to the mentioned medium.

Lorna began to notice that the Ukrainian only dressed up to be presentable when her ex-husband was in the house: “She would come downstairs with red lips, her hair done up, and a low-cut top.”

The girls’ mother decided to remove the father of her children from the house and the new couple went to live together while the refugee arranged her papers for her stay in the country.

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Hate on social media

The story went viral on the internet and Sofia began to receive several attacks and insults from Internet users. She assured that: “They had destroyed their relationship long before I came to the UK.”

In addition, she has spoken through her social networks affected by the hatred that they deliver to her every day: “They accuse me of dissuading UK families from taking in Ukrainians. They say that thanks to me no one will accept more people from my country.”

She has also taken advantage of the space she has on her networks to thank the people who have supported her for the actions she has taken, ensuring that her story consists of something sincere and not an “act of evil”.

Health problems

the refugee he suffered an eye infection in Germany, on his way to the UK, after fleeing the attacks on his home country due to the Russian attack.

Her current partner has explained that her vision has deteriorated quite a bit, to the point of being blind at the moment. He will now need six months to recover after the surgery in England.

Due to Sofiia’s health problems, Tony was forced to stop working to take care of his partner at all times. “It’s the right thing, it’s what I should do”Tony assured through social networks.

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Tony and Sofiia hope to move after the representatives in charge visit the property as a refugee protection control, but now the Ukrainian’s health is paramount, according to the British.

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