Understanding Stress Supplements: How to Manage Stress and Improve Fatigue

2023-11-25 05:00:53

[노윤정 약사의 건강교실]

Entered 2023.11.25 14:00 Views 1 Entered 2023.11.25 14:00 Modified 2023.11.24 16:32 Views 1

Stress supplement. online

Domestic stress supplements are approved for their functionality to help relieve tension or improve fatigue caused by stress. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]If you type in the search bar, there are countless nutritional supplements. But, if you take stress supplements, will stress really go away? Unfortunately, that is not possible. Unless the cause of stress is eliminated, stress will continue to exist. So, what is the role of stress supplements?

Physiological changes in the body due to acute and chronic stress

A little stress helps improve work performance. This is because when faced with stress, physiological changes occur that increase the activity of organs important in responding to stress due to the action of epinephrine (adrenaline) secreted from the adrenal medulla. First, for quick and agile judgment and response, blood flow to the brain and muscles increases, and glycogen in the liver and muscles stored as emergency food is broken down to increase blood glucose to support brain and muscle activity. In addition, by increasing heart rate and breathing, blood and oxygen are supplied sufficiently and quickly to the brain and muscles, increasing the ability to respond to stress, or crisis situations.

Reduced blood flow to less important digestive organs can cause indigestion, but this problem is not a priority for our body in response to stress. Immediate response to stress is caused by epinephrine, but long-term stress is controlled by cortisol, a ‘stress hormone’ secreted by the adrenal cortex. Cortisol breaks down fatty tissue and unnecessary muscle proteins to create new glucose in the liver, and supplies the broken down fatty acids as fuel to other tissues. In addition, it creates an environment in which the body can respond to long-term stress by offsetting the function of insulin and overall maintaining blood glucose levels and improving glycogen storage.

The problem is that enduring chronic stress and excessive intake of vitamins and minerals ultimately damages my body.
However, problems arise when cortisol secretion is prolonged due to chronic stress. In response to continued stress, the function of maintaining physiological balance is broken, and muscles and bones are damaged due to excessive tissue breakdown, making people feel weak and easily fatigued. Due to damage to the endocrine system, sleep rhythm is disrupted and recovery ability is reduced, which can lead to mental and nervous system problems such as depression, memory and cognitive decline, as well as a weakened immune system.

Usually, the vitamins and minerals we eat when we are stressed and tired help convert the carbohydrates, proteins, fats we get from food, or glucose broken down by body tissues into energy more effectively. In a chronic stress situation, continuing to eat only high-content vitamins and minerals without proper meals or rest is like damaging your body and creating the strength to respond to stress. Therefore, if your fatigue is not relieved even after a good rest on weekends or holidays, or if the fatigue continues for more than several months and you are experiencing problems in daily life such as poor concentration or memory problems, it is necessary to first evaluate the situation accurately with an expert rather than purchasing stress supplements. .

Stress supplements help you respond gently to stress.

Domestic stress supplements are approved for their functionality to help relieve tension or improve fatigue caused by stress. Those approved for relieving tension include theanine (L-theanine), hydrolyzed milk protein extract, and asiaganda extract, and those approved for improving fatigue include rhodiola extract. The way each ingredient works is different, but overall, it helps prevent excessive physiological changes in the body when stressed.

For example, when you have trouble falling asleep because you have a lot of thoughts due to stress, taking theanine or asiaganda extract, which helps relieve tension caused by stress, may be more effective than general sleep health supplements. Rhodiola extract helps improve fatigue by alleviating the physical and psychological exhaustion response caused by stress by controlling excessive cortisol secretion secreted in chronic stress situations. Magnesium, a mineral widely used to relieve stress, relieves stress responses by inhibiting the action of receptors that transmit pain and excitement signals and increasing the action of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA.

In other words, stress supplements help manage secondary stress-related problems by reducing the body’s excessive tension or exhaustion response when faced with overall stress. So, it can be helpful if used according to individual characteristics or situations, but caution is needed in relying on stress supplements and neglecting the cause of stress.

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