Unveiling the Mysterious Hit and Run: Stolen Trailer, Scrap Metal, and a Baffling Investigation

2023-07-25 10:15:00

The facts took place on the night of July 19 to 20. A little after 4 a.m., the neighborhood of rue de Braine in Écaussinnes was suddenly awakened by a deafening noise. When they came out to see what had happened, they were amazed. A trailer had just hit not one but two vehicles. The trailer, filled with scrap metal, was lost by the vehicle towing it and then crashed into one of the two vehicles affected and one of the rails on board sunk very deeply through the door. On the spot, no trace of the vehicle which lost the trailer and which caused the accident. An accident which is undoubtedly involuntary, which did not cause any injuries but which took another turn when the investigation began.

The trailer contained scrap metal, but any. “It was a trailer that was stolen the same night in Ronquières, on the site of the Inclined Plan which belonged to the SPW waterways”, told us the police of Haute Senne. “By filing a complaint about this theft during the morning of July 20, we linked the two cases and the trailer, which contained rails, cables and other scrap metal, was returned.”

The thieves of the trailer, having committed their misdeed, therefore probably improperly attached it to their vehicle and, for one reason or another, lost it on the way back.

It was the federal waterways police who took over the investigation to try to find the perpetrators of this theft and, therefore, of this hit and run.

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